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505 Games

505 Games is celebrating the launch of Portal Knights on Switch with a new trailer. Take a look at the latest video below.

Portal Knights

Portal Knights’ eShop listing was apparently spot on, as 505 Games announced today that the game is launching on November 23. For those interested in physical products, the game will be sold at North American retail on February 13. Pricing is set at $29.99.

The Switch version of Portal Knights will include content from the version 1.2 update, which provides access to brand new features and content including Vacant Islands, new boss quests and vanity items, new enemies, and more. It offers touchscreen support, online multiplayer, and wireless play. Here’s the full overview of each feature:

We haven’t heard too much about the Switch version of Portal Knights as of late, but the game’s Twitter account did post an update today.

When Portal Knights hits Switch, local multiplayer will be supported. You’ll be able to play with up to three others without an internet connection. Also, you can even activate split screen as part of it.

505 Games has not yet announced a release date for Portal Knights on Switch, but it’s coming along at the very least.


Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night

A new update was posted to the Bloodstained Kickstarter page today. It features a new video, music, and more.

Today’s video gives us a look at two things in particular. The Bloodstained team shows off the courtyard as well as a battle with Zangetsu, a samurai character who “resents anyone and anything tainted by demonic power.”

You can also listen to some music on Kickstarter here. Noisycroak is working with Michiru Yamane to complete the soundtrack.

Terraria has a big update on the way. Version 1.3 adjusted existing elements, brought in new events such as Martian Madness and Slime Rain, new furniture and potions, and an Expert mode.

When Terraria makes its way to Switch, it should come with the new version. Also, due to various restrictions, the update will not be distributed on Wii U or 3DS.

Footage of Terraria 1.3 can be found in the video below.


A new Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night development update has been published on the official Kickstarter page. In a post primarily handled by creator Koji Igarashi, the Japanese voice cast is introduced.

Voice actors for eight different characters are now known. Another actor is also named, but the character he plays is currently a secret. We’ll be hearing about him “soon”.

Here’s the full lowdown from Igarashi:

Inti Creates was originally involved with the primary development of Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. That’s not the case any longer, however.

The Bloodstained confirmed on the game’s forums that Inti Creates left the main project last E3, though they’re still on board for the “prequel mini-game.” DICO has since taken over Inti Create’s role. ArtPlay is also still the main developer.

Here’s the update on Inti Creates and the overall development team:

505 Games will be bringing Portal Knights to Switch at some point. When it does happen, the system should be treated with a physical release.

GameFly is currently listing Portal Knights: Gold Throne Edition for Switch. Since this was already made available on other platforms, we should know what it includes. You can probably expect the following:

– Pioneer Pack and Gold Throne DLC
– Pioneer Pack DLC includes Black and White Flag/Banner, Helicopter Hat, Rainbow Cat Pet Skin
– Gold Throne DLC includes New Gold and Red Flag/Banner, Welders Mask, Throne with Gold Crystal Shards, Glow in the Dark Block Type (2 colors), Gold Cat Pet Skin, Rainbow World Island

Here’s a video for the Gold Throne Edition:

Despite what we heard last year, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night may not opt for a staggered content model. If this is something the team decides to pursue, some features and content may come after the game’s launch.

That seemed like the plan back in 2016. However, creator Koji Igarashi has now said that a definitive decision has not been made. It’s something that’s being considered, and though the approach has certain benefits, “it’s something we’ll have to discuss later.”

Igarashi told Apptrigger:

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night was shown off during Twitch’s E3 2017 live stream a short while ago. Take a look at the recording below.

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