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FAST Racing Neo

IGN has another 13 minutes of footage up from FAST Racing Neo’s upcoming DLC pack. You can watch the latest gameplay below.

FAST Racing Neo’s upcoming DLC was shown during a Twitch stream at Gamescom today. We’ve posted the full recording below.

Shin’en announced last month that DLC is in the works for FAST Racing Neo. At Gamescom, it’s now playable for the first time. Watch some off-screen footage of new tracks below.

The retail version of FAST Racing Neo is now available to pre-order on Amazon. The game will cost €24.99 and is currently only available for Europe. It will release September 30, and it includes the main game and its upcoming DLC tracks.


FAST Racing Neo received some big news today. Not only is a physical release planned for Europe (hopefully we’ll have a North American confirmation soon), but new DLC is in the works as well. Shin’en is preparing 10 new vehicle profiles, 18 new audio tracks, and eight new racing tracks.

We now have a first look at the new levels in the gallery below. Additionally, you can check out the retail version’s boxart above.

Nintendo announced today that Shin’en Multimedia’s FAST Racing NEO and Image & Form’s SteamWorld Collection (which includes both SteamWorld Heist and SteamWorld Dig) will get a retail release in Europe as part of the “Nintendo eShop Selects” on September 30th.

FAST Racing NEO’s retail release will also contain the eight new courses of the upcoming NEO Future Pack DLC. Those who already own the digital version will also get access to the NEO Future Pack on September 30th.

Similarly, the SteamWorld Collection retail release will also contain the SteamWorld Heist add-on The Outsider, which launches on September 30th as well.

Prices for both games have not yet been announced.

Source: Nintendo PR

The new FAST Racing Neo update is now available. As listed in Wii U’s Download Management, it should clock in at 124MB.

In terms of functionality, there’s now a mini map for all tracks. Shin’en has improved loading speed for a number of the courses as well. Online, you can now choose a preferred speed league and stability has been improved.

Thanks to Cameron and NinImpactGaming for the tip.

Shin’en is gearing up to release a new update for FAST Racing Neo, which goes by the name “Vertigo”. We should be seeing it on May 18.

What does the update entail? Here’s the overview straight from Shin’en:

Online: Improved stability
Online: You can now choose a preferred speed league
General: Mini Map for all tracks available while playing
General: Improved loading speed for many tracks (especially from external USB devices)


FAST Racing Neo only just landed on the Wii U eShop a few weeks back. That being said, Shin’en is happy with the game’s sales performance thus far.

Speaking with Nintendo Life, Manfred Linzner from Shin’en said the studio is “very pleased” with how the racer is doing. He said:

“We had a bet running in the company on how many copies would be sold on day one. Martin called the highest number. And he was right. It was almost exactly the number he predicted. We are very pleased with the sales so far, but on the other side our preceding investment was very high as well. Anyway, currently it looks pretty bright for the sales.”


A FAST Racing Neo update is due out sometime next month. According to developer Shin’en, a mini-map of the track and online tags will be added. Stability improvements and bug fixes will be implemented as well.

Here’s the news from Shin’en:


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