[Just a Chat] Nintendo at E3 2015 – Nintendo World Championships, Digital Event, and more
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Just a Chat, Videos | 53 Comments
No weekly Just a Chat, but you can catch up on the E3-specific discussion Austin and I held earlier this week. It’s probably a good thing we got that in on Wednesday since whatever I’ve come down with has taken a lot out of me. Being sick isn’t fun!
Nintendo shared some pretty big news about its E3 2015 plans today, so Brian and Austin talk about it all in this episode of Just a Chat. That includes the Nintendo World Championships and Digital Event. There’s also some discussion about what Nintendo may/may not show during its presentation and more!
[Let’s Talk] Your thoughts on Splatoon
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Let's Talk | 14 Comments
Let’s Talk #8: Your thoughts on Splatoon
Splatoon’s release date is fast approaching. Actually, two weeks from today, the game will finally be out on store shelves. How exciting is that?!
Splatoon is a pretty big deal. It’s a new IP from Nintendo, and it’s something different from the Big N. Nintendo itself seems to be promoting it fairly heavy with various commercials in all regions, a dedicated Direct (though it’s true they do that for most games), and even a special demo.
Since we’re so close to Splatoon’s launch, I thought it could be nice to hold a discussion about the game. How do you feel about Splatoon? Has your opinion changed since the original reveal at E3? What’d you think of the Splatoon Global Testfire? Sound off in the comments below!
Just a few quick thoughts from me since I’ve been feeling sick the past couple of days!
I feel like this isn’t the popular opinion, but I’m actually looking forward to playing the single-player campaign more than the multiplayer modes. Don’t get me wrong: I’ll definitely be trying out the various multiplayer offerings. However, I’ve always been more of a lone gamer. That’s just the way I tend to enjoy games!
Everything we’ve heard about Splatoon’s single-player thus far sounds very interesting. I love hearing that it has a lot of variety, and some people have even compared it to Super Mario Galaxy in a way – which is certainly a good thing.
Obviously multiplayer is going to be what carries Splatoon forward. I managed to get in a few rounds last week, and I think what I played managed to sell me on those multiplayer aspects more. I just need more time with the game.
Highlights from last week’s topic: Do you care about amiibo?
I care about amiibo! I’m sick of hearing people complain about them. They’re not DLC- they’re figurines. If you don’t want it for your shelf, DON’T BUY IT. I love the way a lot of them look and I think the in-game bonuses are fantastic and not even CLOSE to DLC. I have a nice collection of the ones I love the most and I have the Splatoon 3-pack pre-ordered.
By the way- just spent the hour playing the Splatoon demo- WOW! They hype is VERY real. That was amazingly fun.
Garrett Austin Boyle
I have 18 on my shelf with seven preordered. I think I kind of like them.
In a strange ironic twist, I have only one amiibo and no real motivation to complete a collection, despite being a completionist (in collections as well as games) to a debilitating point xD
I think several things turned me off from it, namely the modeled appearance versus the actual thing. Of course it was too much to actually assume every factory model one would appear in such a lovely way. The other thing was the one-file-at-a-time functionality makes it a little limiting…
Seeing other comments, I am more than happy to let others who truly enjoy Amiibos buy them (at non scalped prices none the less) rather than buying them and trying to convince myself that I need or want them.
I do, though it didn’t really start until I bought a Peach amiibo for my niece. At first, I decided I was only going to get amiibo for my mains in Smash Bros., Captain Falcon and Shulk, and Sonic since I grew up playing his games, but then my nieces got interested, and then a Pikachu amiibo happened, and then a Zelda, and then Samus too. I’m only really interested in the Smash Bros. line as of right now, but of course that could change in the future. I want a Mewtwo amiibo really, REALLY bad though.
I got the Captain Falcon and Shulk ones BTW, my Gamestop is awesome!
Locky Mavo
I’d love to see Nintendo make a Amiibo game, like Disney Infinity and Skylanders,
Amiibo-land maybe? (seeing as Nintendoland is taken). Give Amiibos more of a use, instead of just unlocking costumes, weapons, abilities and Smash AI saves. Maybe even have it so they can be added into the Nintendo version of Disney Infinity, Skylanders and Lego Dimensions, that’d be awesome!
Maybe something will be announced at E3?
Do you have any further questions about Splatoon?
Posted on 9 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Site updates, Wii U | 10 Comments
Hello. Everyone. (say this like Iwata does in the Nintendo Directs)
Nintendo was very kind to send us a pre-release build of Splatoon for review, and Brian and I wanted to try and get some video content about the game up before its release in a couple weeks. We were going to do a simple Q&A about the game, but since GameXplain already covered a ton of the more common desired information (as comprehensively and eloquently as they always do), we thought we’d ask first: is there anything more detailed you want to ask about the game? How mechanics interplay? How it feels to only have two maps in rotation? Something very specific about online play or whatever?
If you’ve got anything you want to ask, post a comment below, send us an email with the subject “Splatoon Question”, or tweet at us with the tweet beginning with “Splatoon Q:”.
Thanks everyone! We’ll look at the questions soon and decide if there’s reason enough for our own Splatoon Q&A video. Either way, we’ll have a video review when the embargo lifts and more video content before launch as well.
Here’s a Podcast – Episode 118! (Yakuman)
Posted on 9 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast | 9 Comments
We weren’t going to have a show this week, but then Austin played Splatoon and he really wanted to talk about it so we decided to have a show. Additionally, Brian did a site survey and asked many of you about the podcast, so we decided to do a little navel gazing and read some of what you guys had to say, both good and bad. And weird. The nice image you see above was found on Neogaf!
Chapters today:
Opening Shenanigans
4:57 – Quiz – Tetris
5:28 – GAME OF THE WEEK – Yakuman
What We Played
8:05 – Austin’s been splatting folks left and right. (Mega Splatoon TALK)
46:43 – Everyone played 200cc. (Mario Kart 8)
Secondary Shenanigans
51:24 – Freetures
54:21 – Splatoon music break
55:47 – Touch My Navel – Your thoughts on the podcast
Listener Questions Mail
1:13:24 – Where to find New 3DS XL cases.
1:16:00 – How do you argue with a “hardcore” gamer?
Ending Shenanigans
2:25:02 – Ending fun
2:27:43 – QUIZ TIME
2:30:00 – Austin realizes something about DK64
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More: highlight, Mario Kart 8, podcast, Splatoon
[Just a Chat] Splatoon Direct, Nintendo’s Universal deal, and financial results bits
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Just a Chat, Videos, Wii U | 0 comments
There was a great deal of Nintendo news last week, and Daan/I talked about it all! That includes the Splatoon Direct, the Universal partnership for theme park attractions, and latest financial results (including related tidbits).
[Developer Musings] The journey into the unknown: indies offer insight into Nintendo’s potential mobile strategies
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Developer Musings | 4 Comments
Nintendo’s entry into the mobile market through its partnership with DeNA is a natural fit, but moving forward it does beg a lot of questions. When you combine Nintendo’s notoriety for doing things their own way with the unforgiving nature of the mobile market outside of the already flooded free-to-play space, its not as simple as making a Mario endless runner and calling it a day. Nintendo has an interesting set of challenges put forward to them, as the kind of investment they make in this space could have some unprecedented consequences for their own handheld platform.
We reached out to developers Springloaded Software, Joost van Dongen, Rawkins Games, and Yazar Media Group for their take on the best way for Nintendo to get some of the mobile limelight and use it as a way to get more consumers back where they really want them – on their own systems. How can the two spaces co-exist without diminishing what’s already there with the 3DS? Is it possible for the mobile titles to exist as both good standalone products as well as a good entry point for Nintendo systems? Will Nintendo finally have to follow the trend rather than setting it when it comes to working on a platform that’s not their own? Having existed in both the traditional console and mobile spaces themselves, our guests this week offer some insight into some of the possibilities Nintendo has going forward.
[Let’s Talk] Do you care about amiibo?
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Let's Talk | 49 Comments
Let’s Talk #7: Do you care about amiibo?
Yesterday, Nintendo confirmed that over 10 million amiibo have been shipped worldwide. That’s a big number. A large majority of figures have made their way to the U.S. and Canada – a whopping 66 percent. Europe is second with 20 percent.
amiibo only just debuted last year, but we’ve already seen some extensive plans from Nintendo. A whole bunch of Smash Bros. figures have been released, with more on the way. Splatoon amiibo are due out this month, followed soon by Yoshi plushies. Animal Crossing amiibo cards are coming this fall.
While amiibo sales have been strong, not all has gone well. Many figures are tough to find in stores at the moment, and scalpers are taking advantage of that situation. There are many instances in which retailers open pre-orders only to sell out of stock within a matter of minutes.
All of that said, do you care about amiibo? Did you once care, but stopped after figures became difficult to find? Were you never interested in amiibo at all? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
So. Here’s my situation. When Nintendo initially announced amiibo, I didn’t care about the figures too much. I wanted Link, but that was about it.
… But I couldn’t help myself. I ended up ordering a few more amiibo from wave one after they launched, and once I started hearing that certain figures were becoming harder to find, I got caught up in the craze. I eventually told myself that I’d pick up every figure from the Smash Bros. line and likely stop there.
Well, now I don’t really have a game plan! I ended up purchasing Toad from the Super Mario Bros. line, and I secured the gold Mario as well. Something tells me that I won’t be able to resist the Yoshi plushie either. I suppose you can say that Nintendo has me hooked! I’m not even entirely sure why I’m collecting amiibo – figures and the like have never appealed to me much in the past. The stock situation has definitely been frustrating, yet I still have interest in amiibo – for now anyway!
Highlights from last week’s topic: Which character do you want to see in Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS?
There were lots of fantastic comments and choices about last week’s topic, so it was really tough choosing a few highlights. Thanks for your participation – the discussion was great!
Isaac from Golden Sun. Nintendo’s GBA RPG has no reps whatsoever in Smash, even though Isaac was an assist in Brawl.
I still think the Mushroom Kingdom could be represented more amusingly. Waluigi, Daisy, and Toad would all be great additions to Smash Bros, in my opinion.
Waluigi would be hilarious. If they keep him the way he’s been developed over the years, he’ll be wildly interesting and much funnier than the toilet-humored Wario. Waluigi’s moveset can just be a crazy combination of his weird obsessions, and as long as he does the “suck it” gesture from Mario Strikers, he will become my favorite Smash character. hahaha.
Daisy is great too, because she’s basically a sassy and unprofessional princess. He’s basically the opposite of Peach personality-wise, and giving her her own Smash character can open up new possibilities for her as a character in general. She can be kind of a cheating character, which lots of funny moves, like pimp-slapping, headbutting, and throwing turnips like baseballs. I would love for her to be better represented than a simple skin for Peach.
Lastly, Toad would be awesome! His skins could be like Bowser Jr, where each skin is a different Toad, like Toadette, Captain Toad, and Toadsworth. He could be exceptionally small, too, like how Servebot was like in Marvel VS Capcom. And if Nintendo wanted to be really funny, they could just intentionally make Toad the weakest character by a long shot (Again, like Servebot) so people can brag heavily to their friends if they happen to win matches as Toad.
I would love for any one of these characters to be added in, and it’s not like it would be too difficult for Nintendo to pull off, honestly.
King K. Rool, of course!
I’d like to see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Their moveset would be brilliant and they’d fit in well. Who here is old enough to remember TMNT: Tournament Fighters for the SNES? I thought that was a brilliant game. And more recently, TMNT: Smash Up, while not as good as Smash Bros. it too was a decent game. The different colours could be the different characters though having 4 characters could be a lot of work even though they’d have a lot of common moves. The only thing is deciding which style would be best. I prefer some of the older versions going back to their image rather than some of the more modern looks.
Mirai Akemi
The one I really, really want is Simon Belmont. I think he’s the one missing legend from the NES era. There’s other iconic characters form back then, but he’s the biggest one. There’s so much potential for his moves, a stage and definitely music. A very close second is Bomberman, also a gaming icon and a classic, and he also has potential, though not as much as Simon.
Realistically speaking though, and with Konami being, well, Konami, my most wanted character that actually has a chance is Isaac. I half expected him to be there from the start and still have faith that Sakurai removed him as an assist because he knew that even if they couldn’t work on every character they wanted for the release, DLC could still happen and he saw potential in him.
Come take our new survey!
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Site updates | 9 Comments
Giving this one final bump to the top. I’ll be closing the survey soon so that I can closely look over what you guys had to say!
Bumping this to the top. Thank you so much to those who completed the survey thus far. The feedback/comments/responses are very much appreciated and will hopefully allow us to improve! We received a ton more than I was expecting. I’ll be going through them all in the days and weeks ahead!
Surveys are not something that we’ve dealt with too much in the past. I’m changing that now! I have a fairly short survey that I would really, really appreciate if you could take a moment to fill out.
Take the survey here
There are several questions in there, but most are basically in the form of multiple choice/quick selections. Also, you can feel free to skip any question. I’m just looking for genuine responses! I can’t stress how important this survey is, and your feedback will help shape Nintendo Everything’s future. Thank you in advance!
Here’s a Podcast – Episode 117! (Tetris)
Posted on 9 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast | 2 Comments
Sorry we’re a day late with this one. Everyone is still in Minneapolis for this week’s show, and we decide to do something we haven’t done in a while: Podcasting without a net. So there’s not much of a script, we go off on tangents, and we just try to enjoy life and be good boys and girls. Funnily, we ended up talking about some game industry stuff and other gaming-related topics that we don’t generally tackle, so that’s a point for being unscripted I guess. Enjoy the non-conformity!
1) Opening Nonsense
2) Game of the Week – Tetris!
3) Laura went to China and Austin has a headache.
What we played
4) Laura got a New 3DS!
Shenanigans Redux
5) Can Nintendo really continue with backwards compatibility?
6) Bye Bye Konami
What we played again
7) Professor Laura vs. Phoenix Wright
8) Why didn’t anyone tell me about Mass Effect’s writing though? (Austin beat Mass Effect)
9) Wario Ware touched Jack on Wii U.
Shenanigans yet again
10) Starcraft 64 music break
Listener Mail
11) Garbage Questions
12) What game companies would we like to shadow?
13) What will Nintendo’s future success look like? Can they return to the top?
Shenanigans Finale
14) The end.
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[Review] Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker
Posted on 9 years ago by Dennis Gagliardotto(@LyonHart_) in 3DS, Reviews | 14 Comments
System: 3DS
Release: May 5, 2015
Developer: Atlus
Publisher: Atlus
Author: Dennis
When you think demons, you think about terrible sentient monsters that aim to do nothing but torture you and inevitably drive you to death. But what if you were put in a position where the very thing that’s nurtured to torment and cause perpetual trepidation becomes the cause and reason for your survival in a world that’s quickly dissipating?
Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker wants you to experience this firsthand, with an extensive and elaborate narrative that shapes itself by how you choose to respond to certain situations, whether it be during gameplay in the battlefields set all around Japan, or during a cut-scene where you’re sometimes prompted to choose how to respond when interacting with another character. This is a game that wants you to be personally invested, to the point where they let you name your character, both first name and last. You’re only given a certain amount of spaces to input your name, but most names should fit with ease like mine did – Keanu Reeves.