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(podcast crew note: Oh, how we wish the news wasn’t true! But it is. Here’s a Podcast has to take its leave from NintendoEverything after 102 wonderful episodes. I know I know, it’s bad etiquette to leave on short notice. But then, we never were much for etiquette! Thank you if you’ve ever listened, and with any luck you’ll hear from us again. Maybe this is the end, but maybe it’s not– only time will tell. If you have questions or concerns, you can reach out to the three of us on Twitter: Jack, Laura, Austin)

ON THIS EPISODE: Bad news is abound, as the cast and crew (which is really just the cast) announce an indefinite hiatus from Here’s a Podcast. Life becomes complicated, and all good things must end! They’re very sorry for the suddenness, and hope that something resembling Here’s a Podcast will return one day.

PLUS: There’s still an episode though, just as you’ve always liked it! Jack is back, and he assists discussions of BIT.TRIP Core and Fallout: New Vegas in the ‘What We Played’ sections. After a lovely break, listener mail makes a return and we answer a variety of questions on “how” we play games, what the music for the Wii U Zelda game will sound like, and more!

AND: The finale of this final episode has us back to discussing A Link to the Past, including some fantastic observations about the temple design, how this game differs from the rest of the series, and much, much more.

This Week’s Podcast Crew: Austin, Jack, and Laura

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Question of the day: How do you feel about the way A Link to the Past handles its items? They tend to be less “key”-like and more organic, but is that a good thing or a bad thing? Or maybe neither? Listen to the podcast for elaboration.

ON THIS EPISODE: We skipped last week, but maybe we should have skipped this week! A still-sick Austin and a tired Laura scrape together a short show this week where they basically only discussion A Link to the Past for the book club, and then go through some shorter bits of listener mail.

PLUS: Nothing! That’s it. Just book club and listener mail.

This Week’s Podcast Crew: Austin and Laura

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In the latest episode of Around the Water Cooler, Scott delves into the aspects of different RPGs.

Question of the week: What makes an RPG stand out to you? Please sound off on YouTube page or directly in the comments section below.

PLUS: we feature a few viewer comments from the previous 2D vs. 3D Mario episode. Which style did you guys prefer?

Thanks for watching and the comments thus far have been extremely appreciated!

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Nintendo hosted its annual shareholders meeting a couple of weeks ago, and Austin and I discussed some of the more interesting topics – including Satoru Iwata and Shigeru Miyamoto’s approval ratings, Zelda Wii U, a tease of new “ideas” for Zelda on 3DS, and more.

Check out the video below:

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Okay, so I know that I teased that I’d be writing about a different game in the last column (which was posted five months ago, holy crap) but there’s a reason for that. Turns out that a game that’s essentially “Style Savvy but also a dating sim” isn’t all that unique when Nintendo ended up adding boyfriends to Style Savvy anyway. So instead I chose to write about one of my favourite Game Boy titles in celebration of the handheld’s 25th anniversary (which was three months ago, holy crap). Yep, that chunky handheld sure gave us plenty of timeless experiences like Link’s Awakening, Mole Mania, and Revenge of the Gator’s title screen, but today I want to focus on a lesser-known classic for Nintendo’s monochromatic machine, an early Japanese dungeon crawler called Cave Noire published by Konami way back in 1991.

The Nintendo Everything News Bulletin returns! Here’s a quick video covering the latest character in Hyrule Warriors, Dragon Quest X for 3DS, and the new 3DS update. Kind of had to rush through this one a bit, so I’ll try to make the next one better!

Now on with the video:

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Question of the day: Is it always bad design to allow a game-player to enter situations that they aren’t prepared to succeed in without telling them or giving them an easy way out? Is it ever okay to make something practically impossible? Like this horrible, traumatic area from Fallout: New Vegas pictured above?

ON THIS EPISODE: Can you believe we made it 100 episodes? Even though Jack and Aysha aren’t around to celebrate, Laura and Austin manage to pull together another solid episode for everyone.

PLUS: Laura kicks things off with some impressions of some survival horror PC games like Outlast, and then Austin discusses the idea of games letting you face things you simply aren’t prepared to face without telling you through the lens of Fallout: New Vegas. Some brief discussion of BIT.TRIP BEAT and BIT.TRIP CORE round out the segment.

AND: We pick our short book club game, which will be The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past! Listen for more details, or just start playing at your leisure. Listener mail, of course, closes things out.

This Week’s Podcast Crew: Austin and Laura

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Around the Water Cooler is the latest feature we’re introducing on Nintendo Everything. It’s mainly being led by Scott – someone who you may have seen before if you’ve checked out his Unlikely Review video (more of those are hopefully coming soon by the way!).

So here’s the deal. Around the Water Cooler is you’re opportunity to sound off on Nintendo-related subjects. Every two weeks, Scott will come up with a new topic (we are definitely welcoming topic ideas from you guys), and discussions will be held in each post. The subsequent video will highlight select comments about the previous topic made on both the main site and/or on YouTube.

Scott wanted me to let you know that this first video is a bit of a pilot. We already have a few improvements in mind, and your comments/interest will shape Around the Water Cooler’s future. Also: you’ll see more than just a silly green screen next time!

And now for this week’s topic: 2D vs. 3D Mario…

Sound off in the comments below!

ON THIS EPISODE: Still no Jack and Aysha’s out of town, which means it’s the first even Laura and Austin podcast! What we played? The duo square off about Tomodachi Life getting boring, Shovel Knight being wonderful, and Fallout: New Vegas actually having kind of good storytelling.

PLUS: A new mini-bookclub has been announced. The options? Minish Cap, A Link to the Past, Another World, Stick it to the Man, and Attack of the Friday Monsters! Make your case for which one we should all play and discuss in the comments.

AND: Listener mail about Suda51, “boring” games, and why nobody ever talks about bad game soundtracks in reviews rounds out the end of the show, as usual.

This Week’s Podcast Crew: Austin and Laura

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Being a developer that works with Nintendo has, in the past, been considered something of a novelty for independent companies. Before WiiWare existed on Wii there wasn’t much of a way to get your game published on a Nintendo platform without a “proper” publisher, and even with Nintendo’s digital offerings on Wii and DSi things remained relatively closed off.

Now, with Wii U and 3DS, game development is open and independent developers have brought out masses of titles to the two platforms. But what’s it like to work with Nintendo? Is there any hint of their shielded past nowadays, or have things loosened up so much that such a past is indistinguishable?

“Willing to help” seems to be the common theme across all three of our entries in this week’s ‘Developer Musings’ series. Of course, there does seem to be some of that traditional red tape still involved– head past the break for comments from Dakko Dakko (Scram Kitty), Ludosity (Ittle Dew), and Nyamyam (Tengami).

(Unsure as to what Developer Musings is about? Check out our first entry here for an explanation.)

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