Splatoon 3 Splatfest guide: weapons, tips, and more
Posted on 1 year ago by Ethan in Guides, Switch | 0 comments
Splatoon 3’s next Splatfest is on the horizon, and we’ve put together a general guide aimed at beginners and casual players.
Splatoon 3 hosts two kinds of events: Splatfests and Big Runs. Generally speaking, we only get one of these events per month. This time around, the Splatfest’s theme is which weekend day is best: Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. Despite the theme seeming a little bit trivial, these Splatfests are no joke: they’re arguably the most competitive events the game has to offer. If you consider yourself a more casual Splatoon player, don’t let that competitiveness intimidate you! There are still ways you can contribute to a team, and today’s guide will help you make the most of the Splatfest even if you aren’t a pro player.
More: highlight, Splatoon 3, top
[Let’s Talk] Predict the Switch 2 launch date and price
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Let's Talk | 0 comments
We’re only one full month into 2023, but many Nintendo fans are already thinking about the possibility of new hardware arriving this year. Previous rumors have pointed to a Switch successor launching sometime in 2024. You can never really predict what Nintendo will do, but based on factors such as the release schedule for Switch, that does seem likely.
When do you think Switch 2 will be launching? How much do you think the system will cost? Share your predictions will us in the comments.
amiibo training guide for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Posted on 1 year ago by Ethan in Guides, Switch | 0 comments
With the release of the Sora amiibo on the horizon, we’ve put together an in-depth amiibo training guide for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate that applies to every fighter in the game.
If you’re looking to raise a powerful amiibo to beat up your friends, we’ve got you covered. Before you start training a character, you’ll need to choose whether to give it Spirits or not. Spirits are character-augmenting equipment pieces that can boost Attack, Defense, and more. With a proper Spirit setup, you can turn an amiibo into a menace. That said, amiibo with Spirits are sometimes too powerful even for human opponents to beat. If you’d rather raise an amiibo that’s more fair to your friends, you can easily opt out of giving it Spirits altogether. Do note that once an amiibo has Spirits, they can’t be removed via natural means.
More: Amiibo, highlight, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, top
Shiny Pokemon that are gone forever when Pokemon Bank closes
Posted on 1 year ago by Ethan in 3DS, 3DS eShop, Guides | 0 comments
Nintendo recently announced the almost-complete closure of 3DS and Wii U online services on April 8 – and just about every single game is losing online functionality on that day. Pokemon Bank, however, is the exception. It won’t remain open forever, but eventually Nintendo will cut the cord on all of its online services. When that happens, Pokemon Bank will become unusable and it will be impossible to transfer Pokemon from previous generations to the Switch.
More than a few Pokemon can only be Shiny on Game Boy Advance, DS, and 3DS titles – on Switch, there’s no way to Shiny hunt any of these Pokemon (at least, not yet). Today, we’re going over a list of Pokemon whose Shiny forms will become unobtainable once Pokemon Bank closes. Again, we’re not entirely sure when this will be, but if you’re looking to save some cool Shiny Pokemon now might be a good time to start hunting.
More: highlight, Pokemon Bank, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet, top
[Let’s Talk] What are you playing? – February 2024
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Let's Talk | 0 comments
A new month just started up a few days ago. Now that we’re in February, we want to know what you’ve been playing.
Have you been going through the Golden Sun games on Nintendo Switch Online? Maybe you’re sinking your teeth into Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy? No matter the case, let us know in the comments.
[Interview] Apsyr on Tomb Raider I-III’s updated graphics, new controls, and more
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Interviews, Switch eShop | 0 comments
The original Tomb Raider trilogy is about to make a comeback on Switch in the form of Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft. To learn more about the project, we caught up with Chris Bashaar, director of product at Aspyr.
This release is more than a simple remaster as players can switch between the new and original graphics at any time, experience updated controls, and more. We spoke about these features and a few other topics in our interview.
Here’s the full discussion:
[Review] Another Code: Recollection
Posted on 1 year ago by Nicholas Serpa in Reviews, Switch | 0 comments
System: Switch
Release date: January 19, 2024
Developer: Arc System Works / Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
It’s really a bit remarkable that, of all the long-dormant franchises Nintendo could have chosen to resurrect next, it was Another Code that they decided to give another chance. I’m totally here for it, both as a fan of narrative-driven adventure games, and as an advocate for the preservation and accessibility of older titles; I’m just surprised that it actually happened. Another Code: Recollection is a full remake of the 2005 DS game Another Code: Two Memories, as well as its Wii sequel, Another Code R: Journey into Lost Memories – the latter which never released in North America. While these puzzle-tinted mystery games have always been well-regarded by fans for their compelling premises and overall atmosphere, they never sold particularly well globally and generally received mixed reviews from critics; furthermore, the original development studio no longer exists, and both games were built around hardware features unique to their original platforms. Well, against all odds, we now have a reimagined collection of both titles sporting improved visuals and presentation, and even some narrative and gameplay changes. While I ultimately enjoyed my time getting to know the game’s charming protagonist and unraveling a moderately captivating mystery, Another Code: Recollection’s toothless writing and shallow moment-to-moment gameplay makes it a slightly niche recommendation.
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 amiibo guide and compatibility list
Posted on 1 year ago by Ethan in Guides, Switch eShop | 0 comments
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 recently received what is assumed to be its final content update, and it adds support / rewards for the newly-released Noah and Mio amiibo figures. This means the game is now compatible with the Shulk, Pyra, Mythra, Noah, and Mio amiibo for a total of five different figurines with special compatibility. Unlike other games with amiibo-exclusive content, Xenoblade Chronicles 3 lets players obtain amiibo-exclusive gear without having to actually own the amiibo. Today, we’ll be going over each piece of exclusive gear (pictures included) plus how to get each one without using its corresponding amiibo figure.
More: Amiibo, highlight, top, Xenoblade Chronicles 3
[Let’s Talk] 3DS and Wii U online memories
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, Let's Talk, Wii U | 0 comments
3DS and Wii U online play – and overall online functionality – will soon come to an end. Earlier this week, Nintendo gave fans a final date as April 8 for shutdown timing.
Many Nintendo fans are playing Switch these days, but that doesn’t mean we should forget about 3DS and Wii U. While 3DS was the more popular system, Wii U had its own userbase and plenty of online games.
With the shutdown date looming, what are some of your memories playing online with 3DS and Wii U? Miiverse was taken offline further back, but what’d you think about that service? Let us know in the comments.
[Review] Neptunia: Sisters VS Sisters
Posted on 1 year ago by Dawn in Reviews, Switch | 0 comments
System: Switch
Release date: January 23, 2024
Developer: Idea Factory / Compile Heart
Publisher: Idea Factory
Hyperdimension Neptunia is a series that has been around for a long time now, and much like the video game industry that it shamelessly parodies, it is constantly changing, incorporating new ideas and gameplay mechanics into its premise to stay relevant. This has not always been for the better, however. Neptunia: Sisters VS Sisters, the latest entry in the franchise to make its way to the Switch, now features some of the series’ best writing to date, but is let down quite significantly in other areas, making it a tough sell for any but those already invested in the series.