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Fantasy Life block size

Posted on 10 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

Like all major first-party 3DS releases, Fantasy Life can be purchased at retail or on the 3DS eShop. Those who opt for the second option will need to make 6,856 blocks of free space available. That size is specific to Europe, but the North American release shouldn’t vary too greatly.


Most recently known for the successful Japanese franchise Yo-kai Watch, studio Level-5 are gearing up production for a new “major project” announced in the latest Famitsu by bringing on more staff members. It’s unknown at the moment where or what this project is, but expect new details to pop up in the near future

The European Fantasy Life website was recently updated with a full overview of the Origin Island DLC. For £7.19 (likely $7.99 in North America at launch), players will receive access to a brand new area with additional quests, more character customization elements, and more.

Here’s an important note about online play:

Players who have purchased the Origin Island Expansion Pack cannot connect in multiplayer with players who have not purchased it. Multiplayer connection will only be possible with other owners of the Expansion Pack. The Expansion Pack needs to be activated in-game after purchase, and this can only occur once the main story has been completed.

You can find the European Fantasy Life website here, which includes details about the online functionality as well.


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