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Super Smash Bros.

Today marks the launch of Super Smash Bros. for 3DS and I think we are all in for a “smashing” good time.

In honor of this Nintendo has updated its website to include three new secret characters, Spoiler Alert!

Check out the screenshots below;


In a recent interview with gamestm, Masahiro Sakurai speaks to his passion for his upcoming title Super Smash Bro’s for Wii U and 3DS.

“It really is a miracle,” beams an ebullient Sakurai to the gathered room of journalists. “[We have] four of the most famous characters in the video game industry on the same screen battling each other. The only game that makes this possible is Super Smash Bros.”

“And, just between you and me,” he adds, leaning towards the crowd as if to whisper in the ear of each participant, “I’m aiming to make this the number one character game in the world.”

This is just too humorous not to share with you all:

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U boxart

The winners of the Game Critics Awards for the best of E3 2014 have now been revealed. Nintendo have come away with a total of three awards, which are as follows:

  • Best Handheld/Mobile Game Winner: Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
  • Best Fighting Game Winner: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
  • Best Social/Casual/Family Game Winner: Mario Maker

Seems like Super Smash Bros. was a clear favourite for Nintendo here among critics. A full list of winners can be found here.


Another week, another update to the Super Smash Bros. Miiverse page. Today director Masahiro Sakurai showed off the return of the Metroid assist trophy. Sakurai posted:

An insatiable, unidentified extraterrestrial is targeting a certain peaceful town…!

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