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Super Smash Bros.

This is just too humorous not to share with you all:

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U boxart

The winners of the Game Critics Awards for the best of E3 2014 have now been revealed. Nintendo have come away with a total of three awards, which are as follows:

  • Best Handheld/Mobile Game Winner: Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
  • Best Fighting Game Winner: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
  • Best Social/Casual/Family Game Winner: Mario Maker

Seems like Super Smash Bros. was a clear favourite for Nintendo here among critics. A full list of winners can be found here.


Another week, another update to the Super Smash Bros. Miiverse page. Today director Masahiro Sakurai showed off the return of the Metroid assist trophy. Sakurai posted:

An insatiable, unidentified extraterrestrial is targeting a certain peaceful town…!

Update: North American Nintendo Direct page can be found here while the Japanese page is here.

A Super Smash Bros. Direct will be streamed on Tuesday, Nintendo announced today.

The company shared the news on Twitter, writing:

In an email sent out to the press, Nintendo states that the presentation “will provide new details on the Super Smash Bros. games coming to Wii U and Nintendo 3DS.”

You can watch the Direct at 6 PM PT / 3 PM PT on April 8.

Update: Debunked. The quote now reads:

“Let me think about that. Well the Metal Gear series is always coming in and out of my ‘field’. We have put bids out on it a couple of times. Raiden was always a character that I had wanted to play. I did end up playing him on PlayStation All-Stars (*amended at the request of Mr.Langdon); so I actually did kind of end up playing him eventually (* Amended- Reuben here is referring to playing Raiden in Mocap- not as a voice actor). But NOT to the extent that he exists in the other games.”

Original: I’m only going to mention this in passing – at least for now – since this may be a misunderstanding or plain confusion. But as the title reads, there’s talk of Raiden playing some sort of role in the new Smash Bros.

When asked in a recent interview about a franchise he’d like to appear in, voice actor Reuben Langdon said:

Let me think about that. Well the Metal Gear series is always coming in and out of my ‘field’. We have put bids out on it a couple of times. Raiden was always a character that I had wanted to play. I did end up playing him on Super Smash Bros; so I did end up playing him eventually. NOT to the extent that he is in the other games.

Langdon’s comments have led to speculation that Raiden will be in the upcoming Super Smash Bros. That doesn’t necessarily mean he’ll be playable though, nor does it exactly confirm Snake’s appearance. I’d personally advise taking all of this with a grain of salt until we have some sort of clarification.

Source, Via

Super Smash Bros. series director Masahiro Sakurai posted the following on Miiverse:

Pic of the day. Luigi might be thinking, “Who would’ve thought I’d get to show off the Poltergust in Super Smash Bros.?!” Wondering if it’s going to suck something in? Yeah, it probably will.

Seems like we’ve got the first look at this new entries’ version of Luigi’s Final Smash. Is it the same as his crazy, crippling move in Brawl? That’s a Negative. Zone.

A wild Super Smash Bros. screenshot appears! Series director Masahiro Sakurai posted the following on Miiverse:

Here’s the Prism Tower stage for the 3DS version! The battle begins on ground level right in front of the tower.

Along with this image, Super Smash Bros. series director Masahiro Sakurai posted the following on Miiverse:

Pic of the day. Never bully Cuccos. Seriously, attacking them is out of the question! This has always been a cardinal rule of The Legend of Zelda series.

We haven’t seen any Cuccos in the Smash Bros. games before, so what purpose will they serve here? Are they items? Assist trophies? New Animal Crossing residents? Way to be cryptic, Sakurai.

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