Zen Studios moving forward with Pinball FX3 Switch patch after all
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
Towards the end of 2017, Zen Studios said that a patch would be created to improve Pinball FX3’s performance on Switch. It was intended to have the game running at 60 frames per second in handheld mode will increasing docked resolution to 1080p.
The situation changed earlier this month when Zen Studios noted that plans had been abandoned for the Switch patch. It was decided after determining that the team would need to “recreate every table from the bits to achieve this quality.”
More: Pinball FX3, title update, top, Zen Studios
Splatoon 2 update out now (version 2.3.2), Arowana Mall back in the rotation
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
A new update has just gone out for Splatoon 2. The latest patch is version 2.3.2.
Splatoon 2’s latest update is only intended to address a few issues. Nintendo’s patch notes are as follows:
More: Splatoon 2, title update
Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp update out now (version 1.3.0)
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
The next update for Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp has started to role out. Version 1.3.0 is out now on Google Play, and it should be available very shortly on iOS.
Nintendo’s patch notes only mention the addition of new features and bug fixes. However, we know there’s quite a bit to the update. Nintendo previously confirmed that Fishing Tourneys were in the works, along with a record for fish and bugs as well as being able to plant, harvest, and water multiple flowers at a time in your garden.
If we receive any further information about today’s update, we’ll let you know.
Nintendo Switch Parental controls update out now (version 1.5.0), Switch version 5.0.0 mentioned
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
A new update is rolling out for the Nintendo Switch Parental app. Version 1.50 is currently live on iOS. It doesn’t seem to be live just yet on Android as of this moment, but it should be very soon.
Today’s update adds a few new features. For instance, whitelist functionality allows users to exclude games from the Parental Controls Restricted Software setting on Switch.
The full patch notes are as follows:
More: Switch Parental Controls, title update, top
Super Mario Run update out now (version 3.0.9)
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
A new update has gone out for Super Mario Run. As of today, version 3.0.9 is available.
Nintendo’s patch notes only make mention of one change. It’s as follows: “The conditions for clearing Bowser’s challenges to unlock World 1-4 have been made a bit easier.”
Source: iOS / Android
More: Super Mario Run, title update
NBA 2K18 removes screenshot feature on Switch with version 1.07 due to “new Nintendo policy”
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Since launch, NBA 2K18 players have been able to capture screenshots with the game. Almost every title on the system supports the feature. But with version 1.07, the functionality has been disabled.
The exact reason behind this is interesting but unclear. A customer support representative says that a “new Nintendo policy” prompted the change.
The same also applies for another 2K title, by the way. You can no longer take screenshots in WWE 2K18.
More: 2K Sports, NBA 2K18, title update, top, Visual Concepts
The Sexy Brutale update out now (version 1.0.5) with improved resolution; dev working on loading times
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
The Sexy Brutale has received yet another update on Switch, bringing the game to version 1.0.5. The latest patch finally brings significant improvements to the table. Among other things, resolution has been increased for both docked and portable play.
Tequilla Works isn’t finished with the Switch version of The Sexy Brutale. The team is now looking to improve loading times, which should be addressed in a future update.
Gal Metal update out now (version 1.0.1), adds new features
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
The Japanese rhythm game Gal Metal has received an update. With version 1.0.1, new features have been added.
First, Practice, Free Play and Mode options have been added to the main menu, Players can also take advantage of a calibration feature that fixes input/audio discrepancies when playing on a television.
Currently, there’s no word on a western release of Gal Metal.
More: DMM Games, Gal Metal, title update
ARMS update out now (version 5.2.0), patch notes – Big Time ARMS, new Gallery images, more
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Last night, Nintendo teased that a new update would be distributed for ARMS today. Version 5.2.0 is now live for all players.
Today’s update adds in a few new things. The primary highlights include the ability to use “Big Time ARMS” from the Party Crash mode in regular battle, as well as the addition of new Gallery images.
The full patch notes are as follows:
More: Arms, title update, top
Owlboy update out now (version 1.0.2), performance patch in the works
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
This week, D-Pad Studio released a new patch for Owlboy on Switch. The latest update is version 1.0.2.
Several new fixes have been implemented. Additionally, we have confirmation that a performance patch is in the works.
Here’s the full rundown on version 1.0.2 from D-Pad Studio: