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An incredibly bizarre situation surrounded the launch of Okami many years ago. You may remember that the game’s boxart was plastered with a blemish in the form of an IGN logo. It wasn’t overly noticeable, but it was still a huge oversight on Capcom’s part.

Ready at Dawn handled the development of Okami Wii. As part of a feature looking back on the history of the studio, Game Informer asked CEO Ru Weerasuriya to comment on how the whole thing happened. Weerasuriya didn’t have a whole lot of answers, but did offer up a few words about the surprising incident.

Weerasuriya told the site:

Game Freak director Junichi Masuda shared an impressive Pokemon X/Y statistic at the “Salon del Manga de Barcelona” convention earlier today. Between the two games, over 10 million Pokemon have been exchanged/traded. Fans responded to the announcement with a strong ovation for Masuda.


Gamekult recently conducted an interview with Shigeru Miyamoto, Yoshiaki Koizumi, and Kenta Motokura. As you can tell by the title of this post, it’s filled with tons of interesting bits about Super Mario 3D World and Mario in general.

As far as 3D World is concerned, the three commented on the game’s engine, difficult, DLC (and a bunch of other things). General topics include the possibility of introducing a radical art style for Mario, working with an external studio, a more open Mario, and Miyamoto’s plan to work on smaller projects.

You can find the full interview roundup below (note: Google Translate used). You can also find Gamekult’s piece here.

Note: You can download a 60FPS version here (advised to play in Windows Media Player). VD-Dev says a gameplay demo will be available later.

Ubisoft originally had a much different plan in mind for Red Steel 2.

The game maintained a similar aesthetic, but possessed a different style. The initial project also would have included online multiplayer. Naturally, because the peripheral wasn’t out at the time, Red Steel 2’s first concept would have lacked MotionPlus support.

Ubisoft ended up cancelling the first Red Steel 2 around 2007/2008 even though it was fairly far along in development. Eventually, a new version was born and released in 2010.


Wind Waker HD was used as a starting point of sorts for Zelda’s first original outing on Wii U. Series producer Eiji Aonuma has previously spoken about how the updated GameCube release was a way for the development team to get its feet wet in terms of creating Zelda games for Nintendo’s latest console. Additionally, the two are connected in the sense that elements used in Wind Waker HD will be brought over to the brand new Wii U title.

Aonuma discussed this further with GamesTM this month. While speaking with the magazine, he said Wind Waker HD’s GamePad interface and motion control aiming will be included in Zelda Wii U. He also mentioned a desire “to bring the experience of being able to explore the Great Sea however you want to locations other than the sea.”

Aonuma said:

The three new event Pokemon uncovered in Pokemon X/Y weren’t the only recent leaks for the two games. Further digging has been done over the past few days, resulting in interesting findings. Head past the break for the details.

Yet another batch of details for The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds have come in. You can find the information after the break, but beware of potential spoilers.

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