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When the Wii Sports Club app makes its way to the eShop early next month, players will be able to obtain the download for free. Keep in mind though that you’ll need to fork over $2 for a Day Pass or $10 for permanent ownership.

Nintendo is also including a free 24 hour trial for all Wii U owners. That means you won’t have to spend any cash during the first day that you use Wii Sports Club.

Nintendo has also confirmed, per the latest Iwata Asks, that you’ll receive another free 24 hours when each new sport becomes available. That means you’ll earn a free 24 hours when baseball launches, another 24 hours when golf arrives, and a final 24 hours when boxing becomes available. This allows players to sample the different sports without forcing an immediate purchase.

You can read more about this, as well as an explanation of Wii Sports Club’s pricing, after the break courtesy of the latest Iwata Asks.

Wii Sports Club wasn’t an entirely internal effort from Nintendo. Revealed in the latest Iwata Asks, the Big N ended up working with Namco Bandai on the game’s development.

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata as well as designers Kozo Makino and Takayuki Shimamura spoke about the decision to bring in Namco Bandai for the creation of Wii Sports Club. The group stated:

When Wii Sports Club launches next month, just two sports will be available: tennis and bowling. Golf, baseball, and boxing will be added at a later date. However, Nintendo did offer up some details on the three upcoming sports additions in the latest Iwata Asks, summarized as follows:


– Use the GamePad and the TV screen
– Place the GamePad on the floor first, as shown in Wii U’s concept video back at E3 2011
– Ball is shown on the GamePad screen by your feet
– Fairway is on the TV screen
– Play like real golf
– If you face the Wiimote Plus toward the GamePad by your feet, the head of the club appears on screen
– If you twist the Wiimote Plus controller, the club head also turns
– Hit in that position and you can hit a fade and so forth
– Coming “soon”


– Swing the Wiimote Plus like a bat
– Pitcher uses the GamePad
– Also similar to the Wii U concept video
– Look into the GamePad and choose a course and type of pitch


“For Boxing, we’re considering a lot with regard to network compatibility and so on. I think you’ll have to wait a little longer for that.”


With the launch of Wii Sports Club just a couple of weeks away, Nintendo has put up a new Iwata Asks. You can check out the full discssion here. We’ve also rounded up footage included in the Iwata Asks above.

Wii U eShop

This week’s Wii U eShop charts are as follows:


1. Zelda: Wind Waker HD
2. Super Mario World
3. Super Mario Bros.
4. The Legend of Zelda
5. EarthBound
6. Art Academy: SketchPad
7. Pokemon Rumble U
8. Mighty Switch Force! 2
9. Super Metroid
10. Zelda II – The Adventure of Link
11. Batman: Arkham Origins
12. DuckTales Remastered
13. Mega Man X
14. Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Director’s Cut
15. Super Mario Bros. 2
16. New Super Mario Bros. U
17. Pikmin 3
18. Pinball
19. Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream
20. Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara


1. Super Mario 3D World Trailer
2. Batman: Arkham Origins Trailer
3. Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures Trailer
4. Super Mario 3D World Trailer 3
5. Super Mario 3D World Trailer 2
6. Sonic Lost World Coming Soon Trailer
7. Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Trailer 2
8. Wii Party U Trailer 2
9. Wii Party U Trailer
10. Zelda: Wind Waker HD 7/11/13
11. Sonic Lost World Trailer
12. Nintendo Minute – Super Mario 3D World New Levels and Power-Ups
13. Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag Trailer
14. Pokemon Rumble U Gameplay Trailer
15. Just Dance 2014 Trailer 6/11/13
16. Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games Trailer
17. Mighty Switch Force! 2 Video
18. Rayman Legends Accolades Trailer
19. Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Director’s Cut Trailer
20. Zelda: Wind Waker HD – Hero Mode Trailer

Source: Wii U eShop

Reggie Fils-Aime has taken over the official Nintendo of America Twitter account for a second time. He’s back to answer more fan questions, including his favorite old-school game, favorite Mario power-up, and how he’s gotten his body ready… really!

You can find the roundup of Reggie’s comments below.

Pre-orders are now live for the Mario & Luigi Wii U Deluxe Set bundle. You can reserve the product at Best Buy here or GameStop here.

You’ll receive quite a bit with your purchase. Nintendo is packing in a black 32GB Wii U console along with copies of New Super Mario Bros. U and New Super Luigi U.

More: , , ,

Animal Crossing: New Leaf was arguably the series’ most successful entry since the original GameCube title. Eventually, Nintendo will be taking what made the 3DS title so enjoyable and applying it to a brand new entry.

According to Katsuya Eguchi, Nintendo has “already started thinking about what to do next” with Animal Crossing. However, Eguchi told EDGE that no set direction has been determined yet.

It’s also worth mentioning that Eguchi wouldn’t confirm which platform the next Animal Crossing will be on. While most anticipate a Wii U release happening eventually, Eguchi stated Nintendo must first settle on which platform to make the next game for.

“We have already started thinking about what to do next, but there is no concrete direction yet. First, we need to decide which hardware to develop a new Animal Crossing for, and then we want to use that hardware and find out what it’s capable of and what kind of features it provides. Then we can start thinking of elements of Animal Crossing and how we can realise them using the hardware. So until we discover these new inventions, we will not decide the direction.”


Umihara Kawase has finally been officially confirmed for release in North America. Natsume will publish the 3DS game early next year on the eShop as “Yumi’s Odd Odyssey”.

According to Natsume president and CEO Hiro Maekawa:

“We have been interested in releasing this unique title for awhile now. We are working very closely with Agatsuma Entertainment to bring this game to our fans, who we know appreciate games that are a little different, and also have lovable characters.”

You can find the first English screenshots from Yumi’s Odd Odyssey above.


Cult County was announced for the 3DS eShop earlier this year, but quickly fell off the radar. Good news: the game is still in the works. Bad news: we won’t be hearing about it again until next year.

Renegade Kid co-founder Jools Watsham wrote on Twitter earlier today:


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