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Octopath Traveler II

Square Enix is developing Octopath Traveler II for Switch, the company has revealed. The game launches February 24, 2023.

The first Octopath Traveler launched for Switch in 2018. Over three million copies of the RPG have been sold worldwide.

First details about Octopath Traveler II are available in the following overview:

XSEED and Marvelous today unveiled Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life for Switch. This is a remake of a previous title in the series that first appeared on the GameCube.

Here’s an overview of the title:

Front Mission 1st: Remake will launch for Switch in November, it’s been announced. Front Mission 2 will follow in 2023. A remake of Front Mission 3 has been confirmed as well, though launch timing hasn’t been confirmed.

Here’s an overview of Front Mission 1st: Remake and Front Mission 2: Remake

Fitness Boxing Fist of the North Star

Fitness Boxing Fist of the North Star is coming to Switch, it’s been announced. It will launch in March 2023.

Here’s an overview:

Nintendo and Monolith Soft have provided details about upcoming DLC for Xenoblade Chronicles 3 as part of the game’s Expansion Pass. Wave 2 launches October 13.

Ino will be available as a new Hero, and players can complete her request to have her join their party. Challenge Battles will also be added with consecutive battles against tough enemies. Accessories and special outfits can be earned by challenging stronger and stronger enemies.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 still has two more DLC drops to go. One of these, which is due out by April 30, includes a Challenge Battle mode against difficult enemies, a new hero character and accompanying quests, and new character outfits. The final DLC is planned to launch by the end of 2023 and is comprised of a brand new story scenario.

Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse Switch

The Wii title Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse is seeing a return on Switch, Koei Tecmo has revealed. A new version was just announced for the console during today’s Nintendo Direct and will launch in early 2023.

Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse originally appeared on Wii in 2008. However, it never left Japan. This marks the first time it’ll be seeing a worldwide, English release.

Fire Emblem Engage

The next major Fire Emblem release was unveiled during today’s Nintendo Direct, with Fire Emblem Engage coming to Switch. It will launch on January 20, 2023.

A Divine Edition will also be released at retail with special items. You can get a look at it below.

September 2022 Nintendo Direct live

A big September 2022 Nintendo Direct is upon us, and we have both a live stream and live blog ready to go. The fun begins at 7 AM PT / 10 AM ET / 3 PM in the UK / 4 PM in Europe. Note that there will not be a live stream in the UK, but it will go up as a video-on-demand following the broadcast, any viewers in the region can simply watch the North American counterpart.

Today’s Nintendo Direct will last about 40 minutes. Expect it to mainly focus on games launching on Switch this winter.

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A Nintendo Direct is upon us, and Nintendo’s promising over 40 minutes of reveals and announcements – so as is tradition, we’re making the wait go faster by offering up our last-minute predictions and dreams of what we’d all love to see. Join your hosts Nick, Nicolas and Luiz as they talk not only about Nintendo’s imminent showcase, but also unpack all the noteworthy announcements from Disney’s first-ever gaming showcase event. They’ll also discuss the latest look at Pokemon Scarlet & Violet’s three (?) story campaigns, their impressions on the latest gameplay deep-dive for Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, and more!

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Splatoon 3 has taken the crown as Japan’s fastest-selling game of all time.

That news follows Nintendo’s announcement earlier today that the title has sold 3.45 million copies in the region in just three days. The company said this is the highest domestic sales level for any Switch game within that time period, but we now know that applies to all platforms as well.

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