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Game Informer senior editor Imran Khan has provided some additional details about the current state of Nintendo’s plans for Metroid.

Something that has been rumored in the past is Metroid Prime Trilogy for Switch, though it has yet to be announced. Khan says that it’s “been long done” and it was supposed to be announced last month. Why that didn’t happen is unclear.

Aside from Metroid Prime 4 and Metroid Prime Trilogy, there’s apparently “more Metroid stuff” in the works. Khan believes Metroid Prime 4’s delay “adjusts their schedule a bit,” which may or may not include Trilogy.

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Metroid Prime 4

Nintendo dropped some massive news earlier today that many probably hadn’t seen coming. After it was initially announced at E3 2017, the work on Metroid Prime 4 is being scrapped. Nintendo is essentially starting from scratch, this time with original Metroid Prime developer Retro Studios.

It’s unlikely that we’ll hear about the issues surrounding development anytime soon in an official capacity, if at all. However, Game Informer senior editor Imran Khan claims to have some insight into the situation.

Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes has a pretty interesting ending. We won’t get into it for spoiler reasons, but if you want to learn more, you can find our original post here. Basically: you’ll want to pay attention to what happens after the credits.

Gamereactor was able to ask director Suda51 further about the ending, and was told that it was inspired by “the gaudy, in-your-face endings you see in the Marvel Cinematic Universe”. He also spoke about wanting to make some sort of announcement at E3 in June.

Nintendo first announced Metroid Prime 4 at E3 2017, but we haven’t seen the game since then. Unfortunately, it sounds like it’ll be quite a bit longer before it reemerges.

Nintendo’s Shinya Takahashi provided a status update on the project today, revealing that “development progress has not reached the standards we seek in a sequel to the Metroid Prime series.” He added that “the current development status of the game is very challenged, and we had to make a difficult decision as a development team.” Nintendo is now changing the development structure.

Another brief interview with Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa has emerged from Japan. This time around, it was The Sankei News that published the discussion.

Furukawa commented on a few different topics, including Switch’s success towards the end of 2018. He also weighed in – yet again – on looking to sell 20 million units by the end of the fiscal year, and it’s here that something interesting was said. According to Furukawa, Nintendo is trying to focus on selling Switch and is “not considering a successor or a price cut at this time.” Given the system’s success, perhaps that isn’t an overly surprising statement.

Nintendo Switch

We have another round of data based on the latest NPD report, including a bit of recap earlier this week. All told, Switch had a great year having sold 5.6 million units in the United States. The system has also surpassed 10 million units on the whole.

Here’s the full roundup of data:

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We heard not too long ago that Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes would be getting a brand new opening cinematic. That update has now gone live, and the video can be seen in-game. If you have yet to see it, we have it below – and it includes a pretty big revelation.

This week’s European Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Retail

Atari Flashback Classics – €39.99

This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Retail

Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy – $29.99 (available January 29)

As promised, Nintendo has posted a new Indie Highlights video outlining upcoming games for Switch. We’ve included it below.


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