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Gods Will Fall DLC

The DLC for Gods Will Fall wrapped up with this week with its final addition in the Valley of the Dormant Gods series. Players can get their hands on a new realm and Anord Rith as a new god, a trio of items, and a few skills.

Below is some additional information:

metallic child sakuna

Metallic Child is teaming up with Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin as part of a new collaboration, Crest announced this week. Actual details have not been provided at this time. We only know that Princess Sakuna will be appearing in the game in some fashion. We’ll pass along more information about the DLC once it’s announced. For now, check out the teaser image above.

Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin continues to maintain its presence throughout games as a whole since we originally saw it last November. Just a few days ago, it was revealed that the “Princess Sakuna’s Heavenly Garb” outfit will be made available soon in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town. Additionally, spirits based on the title were added to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate earlier in the summer. A special Pop Up Parade figure is also in the pipeline.

Metallic Child is a rogue-lite core-action game featuring the android known as Rona, and is set in a space laboratory in the not-to-distant future. The game will be out for Switch on September 16. Although it will be digital-only in the west, you can import a physical copy from Asia with English support – we have more details about that with pre-order information here.


Blue Fire Sword of Steel

A major “Sword of Steel” update has gone live for Blue Fire. On your Switch system, this should show as version 3.5.5.

This week’s update includes many game enhancements, game balancing, bug fixes and, stability improvements. The full patch notes for the Blue Fire Sword of Steel update can be found below. 


Below are the latest Nintendo products that can be currently pre-ordered at retailers:


The Magister gameplay

The Magister made it to Switch this week following its original announcement last October, and we now have gameplay. The title officially released on September 2.

Check out the following overview for The Magister, a murder-mystery card-battler RPG:

Hello! I have a quick site update to share with you all.

I’m not sure how many of you use RSS feeds these days, but ours was recently updated to include photos. If you use something like Feedly (or any other RSS reader), the featured image for each post should finally appear. A few of you requested this in the past, and since I figured it’d be easy enough to implement, I’ve been slightly reworking our RSS feed over the past few days. Nothing ever comes easy and we had to clear a few unforeseen backend issues, but I believe everything should be running properly now. If this isn’t working for you for whatever reason, shoot us an email and we’ll try to troubleshoot.

I also wanted to provide a quick update regarding the call for open positions back in August. We’ve been making good progress, but I’ll ask everyone for their patience in knocking things out there. There’s been a lot happening as of late between Gamescom, various indie live streams, showcases, and more. That’s been taking up a lot of time, along with my many other daily/weekly responsibilities. I think you all know that it’s extremely rare for me to talk about myself in any way since I always put the focus on Nintendo news, but I’ll just say outright that I’m feeling very exhausted. In any case, I’m hoping to have a final resolution with the open positions within the next couple of weeks or so – we’ll follow up with those that we’ll be moving forward with. Thank you for your patience!

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Golf Club Wasteland gameplay

Golf Club: Wasteland just landed on Switch this week, and we now have a proper look at the title with fresh gameplay. Publisher Untold Tales and developer Demagog Studio put out the release on Friday.

Learn more about Golf Club: Wasteland with the following overview:

Cruis'n Blast interview

Ahead of Cruis’n Blast’s launch on Switch this month, we’re publishing a new developer interview with series creator Eugene Jarvis. Jarvis had much to say about putting the racer on the console, including how this new version came to be, why it’s an exclusive, and whether we could see online play supported in the future.

Our full discussion can be read in full below.

stardew valley 1.6 update

Stardew Valley has seen a number of updates over the years, but version 1.6 may not happen. Right now Eric “ConcernedApe” Barone says he’s concentrating on his next game.

Barone appeared during the Stardew Valley Cup yesterday to answer a few questions from the community. He noted: “I’m not saying there’s going to be another Stardew Valley update. I don’t even know at this point. Right now I am focused on my next game. So, we’ll see.”

shin megami tensei raphael

Atlus continues on with its Shin Megami Tensei V demon showcase series, and has now put out a trailer for Raphael. This is another creature that has been around since the series’ earliest days.

Here’s a bit of information covering Raphael’s history, courtesy of the Megami Tensei Wiki:

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