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This is the Zodiac Speaking

The story-driven FPP mystery thriller-horror game This is the Zodiac Speaking lands on Switch next week. For a look at some footage, check out the video below.

This is the Zodiac Speaking will be distributed digitally for Switch via the eShop starting October 15.

To celebrate the new release of The Survivalists, Team17 has prepared a launch trailer for the game. Get a look at the video below.

The Survivalists is out now on Switch both physically and digitally.

Jack Jeanne

Jack Jeanne is seeing its second delay. After it was originally planned for August 5, the game was bumped back to December 3. Broccoli has now decided to shift the release date to March 18, 2021 in Japan.

Regarding the delay of its “shounen opera simulation game”, Broccoli said:

Darius Cozmic Revelation

Taito has set a Japanese release date for Darius Cozmic Revelation. It’ll be available for Switch in Japan on February 25, 2021, the company announced today.

Darius Cozmic Revelation will be priced at 6,800 yen. For 16,800 yen, fans can obtain a special edition. The special release includes the “Darius The Omnibus III -Kaikou-” CD, “Darius Odyssey -Cozmic Voyager-” 128-page art book, “Dariusburst Another Chronicle Live in O-East -revolt” DVD, and 1/12 Dariusburst Another Chronicle arcade cabinet papercraft.

Source, Via

Witch Spring 3 Re:Fine -The Story of the Marionette Witch Eirudy-

G Choice / Studio Artdink and Kiwi Walks have shared the first trailer for Witch Spring 3 Re:Fine -The Story of the Marionette Witch Eirudy-, the upcoming witch raising RPG for Switch. Check out the video below.

Witch Spring 3 Re:Fine -The Story of the Marionette Witch Eirudy- is slated for December 17 in Japan.

Thomas Was Alone

Thomas Was Alone, Bithell Games’ minimalist 2D platformer that previously released on Wii U, is now heading to Switch. Creator Mike Bithell confirmed on Twitter a few minutes ago that Ant Workshop is assisting with the port.

Here’s some information about Thomas Was Alone plus a trailer:

Sinnoh Cap Pikachu

Pokemon Sword and Shield players can redeem the next Pikachu distribution. The latest event is for Sinnoh Cap Pikachu.

By following the steps below, you can add Sinnoh Cap Pikachu to your party:

Digimon Survive

Things haven’t gone smoothly for Digimon Survive since it was announced in 2018. The game has been pushed back a couple of times, and we still aren’t any closer to a proper release date. And unfortunately, we might be seeing yet another delay.

Writing to a fan on Twitter, Digimon Survive producer Kazumasa Habu mentioned (via Gematsu):

Game Dev Tycoon

Game Dev Tycoon, a business simulation game, has released on Switch. Take a look at some footage in the video below.

Game Dev Tycoon is out now for Switch via the eShop.

Kamen Rider: Memory of Heroez

Bandai Namco is back with the latest gameplay video for Kamen Rider: Memory of Heroez. We have footage showing off Kamen Rider Double below.

Kamen Rider: Memory of Heroez releases for Switch in Japan and Southeast Asia on October 29. We have a previous video with Zero-One here and OOO here. You can also watch the opening cinematic here.

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