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Nintendo has isssued a new announcement covering additional details about the Nintendo World Championships 2017.

First, Metroid: Samus Returns is confirmed to be in the tournament. Also, along with the 16 qualifying players, 8 players from across the country and around the world have been invited, including talented speed-runners, tournament players and online personalities from the United States, Europe, Canada and Mexico. Actor and Super Smash Bros. tournament player Asa Butterfield and WWE Superstar Bayley will be present.

Ant Workshop is publishing the Switch game Binaries on the eShop tomorrow. Have a look at the official launch trailer below.

Outlets are beginning to get their hands on Golf Story, which launches tomorrow on the Switch eShop. View a half hour of footage from Vooks below.

Music is an important part of Splatoon 2, and Nintendo is recognizing that on the series’ official Twitter account. The company introduced fans to the band ω-3 (Omega Three) today. They’re responsible for the music in Salmon Run.

We’re expecting Nintendo to provide an official translation soon, but the main point here is that the band consists of three members. A cello player, drummer, and DJ are all a part of the group.


Nintendo has once again carried out an item distribution for Zelda: Breath of the Wild on Switch. If you subscribed to the game’s news channel, you should be receiving a message from director Hidemaro Fujibayashi.

Hyrule Bass, Hylian Shrooms, and a Raw Bird Drumstick are this week’s distributions. Once you receive the message, you should see a link to boot up Zelda: Breath of the Wild. All of these items will appear in your game immediately.

Hamster has sent out the official word about this week’s NeoGeo game on Switch. Tomorrow, Burning Fight will be published on the Switch eShop. The game will cost $7.99 / €6.99 / £6.29.

Burning Fight is one of several NeoGeo games Hamster recently confirmed for Switch. Metal Slug X, The King of Fighters ’95, Robo Army, and Mutation Nation are all on the way as well.

Another big Switch game could be launching on Switch very soon. According to Nintendo’s website, Oxenfree is due out on October 6. That listing isn’t absolutely definitive, but it’s a good sign that we’ll be seeing the game in the near future.

Here’s an overview of Oxenfree:

Fire Emblem Warriors officially launches in Japan on Thursday. However, some players are managing to get their hands on the game early. Because of that, information is being revealed early, including new characters.

The tricky thing here is that we’re still learning who is playable and who is just an NPC. But as things stand currently, Fire Emblem Warriors’ roster can be found below.

Poisoft’s Order Land! has gone through a couple of iterations over the years. It started out as a WiiWare game before being revamped as a simulation / RPG 3DS title. Order Land! is back once again, now as a Switch release.

You can read our original report on the 3DS version here. There are added elements, like the ability to battle other players’ heroes online. Poisoft also seems to be thinking about supporting Order Land! after launch with a new scenario and mode.

Order Land! will be available on the Japanese Switch Shop in about 12 hours. Watch a trailer for the game below.

Among the various Switch games heading to the Switch eShop this week is Inversus Deluxe. Take a look at some footage below.

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