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Hyper Sentinel

Hyper Sentinel will be out on Switch this summer as an eShop download. For an early look at the title, watch the video below.

Nintendo published the official North American commercials for ARMS. Take a look at the advert for yourself below.

Nekketsu Mahou Monogatari is coming west. Today, Natsume announced that the 3DS game will be localized as River City: Knights of Justice.

River City: Knights of Justice is due out in both North America and Europe this summer. Unlike River City: Tokyo Rumble, this appears to be an exclusive title for the eShop.

River City: Knights of Justice will be playable at E3 2017 in June.


Nintendo provided new information about the ARMS Global Testpunch following the event’s end this weekend. Ninjara was the fighter players used the most, followed by Min Min.

By the way, the top win rate was another character – not Ninjara or Min Min. Nintendo will unveil those results later.



Earlier today, Koei Tecmo and Gust announced that Nights of Azure 2 is launching in Japan on August 31. It was also confirmed that Switch will be receiving two special editions – the Premium Box and Special Premium Box.

Below are the contents of each:

Premium Box (10,300 yen on PS4, 9,300 yen on PS Vita)

  • A product code to download an Alushe-exclusive costume
  • Nights of Azure 2 visual book
  • Nights of Azure 2 official soundtrack
  • Scented B3 poster
  • Special Alushe 3D card
  • Beautiful girl bromide set

Special Premium Box (16,300 yen on PS4, 15,300 yen on PS Vita)

  • Secret warm-feeling bath poster
  • Beautiful girl acrylic key chain set (three key chains)
  • Special A3 tapestry set (three tapestries)
  • A product code to download an Alushe-exclusive costume
  • Nights of Azure 2 visual book
  • Nights of Azure 2 official soundtrack
  • Scented B3 poster
  • Special Alushe 3D card
  • Beautiful girl bromide set

Koei Tecmo also put out some screenshots showing Nights of Azure 2’s swimsuit DLC. We have those images below.

When Dragon Quest XI goes on sale in July, fans will be able to pick up a special package. Square Enix is readying the Dragon Quest XI Double Pack Hero’s Sword Box, which is comprised of both the 3DS and PlayStation 4 versions of the game housed in special packaging.

Below are some photos posted by HMV:

The Dragon Quest XI Double Pack Hero’s Sword Box is priced at 14,960 yen.


Big news was teased for the Switch version of NBA Playgrounds towards the end of last week. It was thought that the announcement would be made as early as Saturday, but nothing came in.

The official Twitter account for NBA Playgrounds has since confirmed that the “huge announcement” is planned for Thursday. A brief mentions reads:


Nintendo and Grezzo appear to be preparing a demo for Ever Oasis. That’s based on some promotional materials that have surfaced for the game. One advert shows that the demo is available now, but we know that isn’t the case of course. It should be distributed a bit closer to release.


Following a Nintendo Direct last September, Arc System Works’ Sabaku no Nezumidan landed on the Japanese 3DS eShop. Now it’s heading west.

According to a listing on Nintendo’s website, Sabaku no Nezumidan has been localized under the name “Of Mice And Sand”. Circle Entertainment is putting it out in North America this coming Thursday, June 1. Pricing is set at $7.99.

Here’s a brief overview:

“By ordering the mice crew living in the Desert ship, you can build facilities on the ship and make food for breeding the mice with various items. With the development of the ship, more mice will join in and they can accomplish more jobs. Don’t let them starve and make them rich.

Your final goal is to reach the other side of the desert and find the legendary land of gold to the east, El Dorado!”

And the original Japanese trailer:


On Friday, a new entry hit the Nintendo Treehouse Log on Tumblr about motion controls in ARMS. Two more posts have been added since then.

On the page located here, JC Rodrigo for Nintendo goes over motion controls. You can also read another entry here talking about how there’s no wrong choice in selecting either motion controls or button controls.


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