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Much like recent Fire Emblem games, Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia will have DLC. Nintendo revealed what’s in store for the newest 3DS game today.

Fire Emblem Echoes’ first DLC is planned for April 20 in Japan. First, players can receive a one-time reward of the “Boots” item for free. Other than that, paid DLC is as follows:

Nintendo has released a trailer showing new characters that are on the way to Fire Emblem Heroes. On April 14, the game will be adding Alm, Clair, Lukas, and Faye. A new Paralogue, “World of Shadows” will be available on the same day.

Here’s the video:

Miitomo has been updated with new content. Players can nab the latest items in the Miitomo Drop stage, “Folklore in the forest! Fairy Fashion #2”.

Available items include:

– Butterfly fairy top (set)
– Butterfly fairy shorts (set)
– Butterfly fairy boots (set)
– Butterfly fairy wings (set)

Users can select Miitomo Drop stages from the Shop tab. Miitomo coins or game tickets are needed to play.


Last year’s River City Ransom game in Japan, River City Ransom SP, was given a major update today. The new version 1.1 update has added two-player co-op and more.

Below are the patch notes, courtesy of Gematsu:

  • A local two-player co-op mode has been added.
  • A feature that allows you to check the events that occur on the lower screen map with icons has been added.
  • A feature that displays cleared events from the event encyclopedia in the memo menu has been added.
  • A feature that allows you to collectively sell equipment at the second-hand shop has been added.
  • A feature that allows you to collectively purchase items has been added.
  • Bug fixes.

And a trailer:


Nintendo has distributed the new Fire Emblem Heroes update, bringing the game up to version 1.2.0. It’s out now on both iOS and Android.

Below are the patch notes:

Two new 3DS themes are out now in Japan. Here’s the lineup:

The Rabbit – 200 yen
Battleminer – 100 yen
M.S.S Project: M.S.S.Phantasia – 200 yen
Nuyuri: Fragile – 200 yen
Wonderful Opportunity!: Remote Controller – 200 yen
UraShimaSakataSen Special Voice (x4) – 200 yen each


Update: Nintendo’s official statement is the same as the last patch: “Adjustments have been made to make for a more pleasant gaming experience.”

Original: Following the new update released at the end of March, another new patch has just been distributed for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Players can download version 1.1.2 right now.

The last Zelda: Breath of the Wild update introduced performance improvements, enhancing the game’s frame rate on Switch in particular. As of now, patch notes for today’s download are not yet available. We’ll keep an eye out on something official from Nintendo.

Thanks to Billy for the tip.

The latest episode of Nintendo’s Japanese show Nyannyan Neko Mario Time has now gone live. We’ve included it below.

One new title is coming to the Japanese eShop on April 19. Here’s a look at the upcoming digital download schedule:

Wii U Virtual Console

Gaia no Monshou – 617 yen
Moto Roader II – 617 yen

Wii U Download

PixelMaker – 500 yen
Shoot the Ball – 300 yen

3DS Download

PixelMaker – 500 yen
Shonen Ashibe GO! GO! Goma-chan Kyu ~ Tona Goma-chan Ippai Puzzle – 540 yen

New 3DS Download

Shoot the Ball – 300 yen



Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia has received another new Japanese trailer primarily showcasing characters and their stats. Check it out below.

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