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The Pokemon Company has announced that a new Pokemon game is in the works for mobile. Splash! Magikarp will be released on iOS and Android this spring in Japan. Select Button is handling development.

On the official teaser site, a newspaper article reports on the appearance of mysterious Magikarp-shaped holes in a peaceful town. The article also has a witness testimony from the fisher who discovered the holes. It goes on to say that an investigation to discover its cause has begun.

You can access the teaser site right here.


Nintendo has a notable goal in mind with Switch: bringing people together. In an interview with The Independent, general producer Yoshiaki Koizumi spoke about wanting to create an experience similar to cards. With cards, people are able to play together and “play eye to eye”. That’s where Switch’s portability aspect comes into play, including the Joy-Con.

Koizumi explained:

“When you have a deck of cards, you can get family and friends together and play games that everyone knows the rules to. It’s very accessible, everyone can sit down and play together, and that became kind of a root for us as we thought about this. For generations, people would play eye to eye as they thought about strategy. We wanted to recreate some of that experience using technology.”

“You need a certain kind of hardware to make that social situation possible. And in the past we’ve had that experience with NES and SNES of having two controllers and it definitely felt like the social experience where your friend would come over to your house and play with you, and so we wanted to make that situation not only more possible, but more visible outside the house, to see people playing together like that. It’s the addition of two controllers from the start that makes creating those things possible.

Of course you could go online and play video games with strangers that you’ve never met before, but something a little bit different is possible here, where you can take the system outside of your house and run into someone you’ve never met before, hand them a controller and start playing right there, and that’s the sort of thing that, when you experience it, makes the other person and yourself very happy.”

When Nintendo announced Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia last month, two new amiibo were also revealed. Alm and Celica will both have their own figures. But what functionality do they offer?

According to an Amazon Japan listing, the amiibo unlock a special dungeon. It’s a bit tricky though since the description doesn’t elaborate further. We can’t currently said if the two amiibo unlock the same dungeon or different dungeons. Fire Emblem Echoes is coming to Japan in about two months, so we shouldn’t have to wait terribly long for an official answer.

Thanks to Brian for the tip.

Source, Via

Ahead of its Japanese launch next month, we now have the opening movie for Monster Hunter XX. Give it a look below.

Update: For our Canadian friends, head on over here.

Original: The Zelda 30th anniversary album officially came out in Japan this week. If you’re not interested in the likes of Play-Asia, you’ll be happy to hear that Amazon is now taking “pre-orders”.

The limited edition version is here. You’ll also find the standard version here. Both ship on February 24.

Thanks to Jake for the tip.


Nintendo just posted a new video from its recent Switch event in New York. Take a look at it below.

The very first Professor Layton game debuted in Japan back on February 15, 2007. That’s right: the series is now ten years old.

In celebration of the milestone, Professor Layton now has its own Twitter account. You can keep track of any updates that may surface here.

Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino had some fun with Professor Layton earlier today. It looks like he held a special event in Japan to promote the anniversary – here are a couple of photos:

Professor Layton won’t have a new title this year, but the series as a whole will. Level-5 will be publishing Lady Layton on 3DS sometime in 2017.

Circle Entertainment previously announced plans to bring SubaraCity to the 3DS eShop in Q4 2016. It has taken longer than expected, but the title is out now in Japan. We have a trailer below.

In Japan, the 3DS RPG Dragon Sinker is now available on the eShop. Take a look at an official trailer for the game below.

Nintendo readied another new screenshot from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild today. The latest image doesn’t focus on Link, but instead shows off an NPC and a donkey. You can see the screenshot for yourself above.


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