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Speaking with IGN, Fire Emblem Heroes game director Kouhei Maeda discussed how the new mobile release will be supported in the future.

Maeda told the site:

“We plan to add new stories continually after release, at a pace of about two a month or one every two weeks. We also plan to add things like new characters and skills, as well as new game modes that go in different directions from the current gameplay.”

Nintendo game director Shingo Matsushita added that Fire Emblem Heroes will continued to be worked on as long as players continue to support it.

Fire Emblem Heroes

Fire Emblem Heroes added in a new Launch Celebration Map under its Special Maps listing earlier today. For a look at the new content, see the video below.

EA has now officially come out and said that it’s new FIFA title for Switch will indeed be FIFA 18. While that was largely expected, it had only been labeled previously as just “FIFA”.

EA’s chief competitive officer, Peter Moore, told Gamereactor at a FIFA event held in Paris this weekend:

“Well, as we have said, we are custom-building a FIFA version for the Nintendo Switch. It will be FIFA 18, and it will obviously be later this year when FIFA 18 comes out.”

“And I look forward to seeing the Nintendo Switch. we are not far away from its launch and in fact, here in Paris, I was very impressed to see FNAC stores with Nintendo Switch in the windows.”

Gamereactor also asked about FIFA for Switch being a slimmed down version of the game on other platforms in light of rumors that it’ll be closer to the PS3 and Xbox 360 edition. He said in response, “What you have will be a custom built version for the Nintendo Switch from the FIFA development team in Vancouver.”


Nintendo of Europe has published a new Mario Kart 8 Deluxe commercial, primarily based around the game’s trailer from last month. You can view it below.


Unseen64 has dug up some information about FUUB, an abandoned peripheral device from THQ Digital Warrington. It was in the works at some point between 2006 and 2010 for Wii and other platforms. The entire project was scrapped after THQ shifted its priorities.

Here’s how Unseen64 describes FUUB:

“Acting like a set of four individual dice, which were to be bundled together as one purchase, the FUUB was predominantly aimed towards local group play. Each player would interact with one or more of the dice when playing one of the FUUB specific games designed for the device. The devices themselves were fitted with some physical sensors, though it’s not exactly clear what each device was actually able to monitor. We also believe that the FUUBs required a separate, external camera to track the their movement in 3d space, though this cannot be 100% confirmed.”

The aptly-named “FUUB” was one game planned for the device. Not much is known, though it seemed to be somewhat similar to Mario Party.

Another title early in development was “Quest for the Magic Stones”, which a developer describes as targeted at “fans of the Harry Potter series”. It would have featured a mystical narrative theme, set inside a magical dungeon.


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TIME has put up a pretty massive piece about Shinya Takahashi today. You may recognize him from his appearance during the Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017. He’s a director, board member, managing executive officer, and general manager of Nintendo’s Entertainment Planning and Development Division.

TIME’s piece delves into Takahashi’s history at Nintendo and new role at the company. He comments a bit on Switch and more as well. Shigeru Miyamoto also chimes in about wanting to use Switch as an opportunity “to hand over more to the younger generation.”

We have a summary of TIME’s article below. We do strongly encourage you to read the full thing right here.

Monster Hunter XX has been on a roll with collaborations as of late. Sailor Moon and Kingdom are just a couple of partnerships we’ve heard about in recent weeks.

Today, Capcom detailed yet another collaboration in Monster Hunter XX. In teaming up with the game / anime Show by Rock!!, there will be a Slash Axe weapon named Red Tomahawk. Capcom has also shown an illustration of Show by Rock!! character Crow wielding the weapon being published.


IGN prepared a new Yooka-Laylee video showing 13 minutes of footage from the new world Capital Cashino. Watch it below.

Later this week, Ogre Battle 64 arrives on the European Wii U Virtual Console. Take a look at the official trailer below.

At the end of last week, Monolith Soft’s Yasuyuki Honne posted the above image on his Twitter page. He said that it’s from a “wrap up party for certain game at certain hotel in Kyoto.” Honne also mentioned how he’s glad / relieved that it’s finished.

That image is likely from the Zelda: Breath of the Wild wrap up party. We know that Monolith Soft helped out with the title, and it’s just a few weeks away from launch.

It also looks like Shigeru Miyamoto was in attendance, and he was standing next to someone wearing a Link-esque hat…


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