North America should be getting The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 in March as well
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 1 Comment
Last month, we found out that The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 would be coming to Wii U. Amazon UK listed the game for release on March 22. We knew it would be heading to North America as well thanks an ESRB rating – we just didn’t know when.
GameFly is now one of the first retailers to have officially listed the Wii U version of The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 in North America. Assuming it’s accurate (and right now we have no reason to believe otherwise), we’ll be seeing the title in North America on March 22 as well.
Dreii trailer
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U eShop | 1 Comment
Dreii made its debut on PC and mobile platforms earlier this week. It’s still targeted for consoles, with a Wii U launch taking place “soon” according to designer Christian Etter. For now, check out the latest trailer below.
More: Dreii, Etter Studio, indie
Lots of Super Bike Rider footage
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, Videos | 0 comments
Super Bike Rider: Gather! Super Beast Hunter was showcased during a Niconico live stream a couple of days ago. We captured pretty much all of the relevant footage from the event, which you can watch below.
Niantic delves more into the origins of Pokemon GO
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 1 Comment
In Famitsu last week, Niantic went more in-depth with the origins of Pokemon GO. The magazine caught up with Setsuto Murai, representative president of Niantic Japan and Kento Suga, marketing manager of Niantic Japan.
As has been mentioned before, you could say that the concept was born after Google teamed up with The Pokemon Company for an April Fools event back in 2014. Murai and Suga touch on this, and then explain how things carried on from there.
Head past the break for our full translation.
More: Famitsu, interview, Kento Suga, Niantic, Pokemon GO, Setsuto Murai, top
Kimishima: Unannounced 3DS games coming, wants more Wii U titles like Splatoon and Mario Maker
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U | 189 Comments
Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima took on a number of investor questions during Nintendo’s financial results briefing a few days ago. One of the more interesting responses came about towards the end of the event. Most of what the question asked is over my head and there will be an official translation in a few days, but it was essentially about the next financial period, and how Wii U and 3DS factors into that.
Kimishima starts off by reiterating a key point from his presentation: the spread amount of 3DS systems is 20 million units domestically, and 54 million units worldwide. This means Nintendo’s handheld had a big chance to obtain profits from software as well. As for what lies ahead in the next period, Kimishima said development on software continues, including large-scale titles that can’t be announced just yet. He believes that the 3DS will remain a big pillar in the next period.
More: Tatsumi Kimishima, top
[Let’s Talk] What are you playing? – February 2016
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Let's Talk | 22 Comments
Let’s Talk #39: What are you playing? – February 2016
A new month is here! We entered February just a few days ago. So that means we want to know what you’ve been playing. Have you started up something entirely new for the month? Or maybe you’re continuing something you started a little while back? Whatever the case, let us know in the comments below!
Highlights from last week’s topic: What do you want to see out of NX?
Figma news: Link from Twilight Princess HD, Samus from Metroid: Other M
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 16 Comments
Update: Samus from Metroid Prime 3: Corruption is also in the works.

Figure news continues to pour out of Wonder Festival. Max Factory is producing Figma for Link based on his appearance in Twilight Princess HD as well as Samus from Metroid: Other M. You can find images for these two in the gallery below along with Link from Skyward Sword, which was previously announced.
More: figure
Nendoroids revealed for Fire Emblem Fates’ Elise, Mega Man X, Meta Knight, Zelda
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 4 Comments
We have more news out of the Wonder Festival event. Three new Nendoroid products have been revealed. Figures are on the way based on Elise (Fire Emblem Fates), Mega Man X, Meta Knight, and Zelda from Wind Waker HD. Art for each is in the gallery below.
More: figure
First look at the Red with Pikachu figure
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 33 Comments
It was last week that we first heard about a new Pokemon figure featuring Red. Today at Wonder Festival, the first piece of art is on display – see above. Red won’t be alone, as it looks like Pikachu is included.
First 40 minutes of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD in Hero Mode
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 2 Comments
YouTube user “Luigikid Gaming” has secured an early copy of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD and posted 40 minutes of footage showing Hero Mode. Take a look at the video below.