Terraria heading to the 3DS eShop next week
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 4 Comments
Terraria is making a surprise launch on the 3DS eShop next week. Today, publisher 505 Games announced that the title will be available starting on December 10 in both North America and Europe for $19.99 / £16.99.
Here’s a comprehensive overview:
Reach directly into the world of Terraria with uniquely-tailored touchscreen controls, fashioning elaborate structures and fighting off enemies with an intuitive swipe of the stylus. Explore vast fantasy worlds by soaring up to floating islands in the sky or excavating down to the depths of the earth. Wage war on hundreds of different enemies – ranging from Zombies to Goblins to Unicorns to Wyverns – with weapons and armour you’ve crafted yourself. Build amazing structures and dwellings with ease, laying brick and stone with the responsive touch interface.
The Nintendo 3DS version of Terraria offers the ideal introduction to the franchise for the young and old player alike, and a fresh way to play for veterans of the franchise. Share the adventure with your friends, with four player sessions supported through Local Play; a safe and sociable multiplayer environment where players only engage with real-life acquaintances.
With over 1,300 crafting recipes, 150 enemies and 15 bosses to battle, players will have endless hours of fun as they literally dig to the ends of the earth, crafting amazing armor, weapons and other items with what they discover. Players will explore vast and vibrant worlds, encountering treacherous perils -including hundreds of twisted foes, magical creatures, and mighty monstrous bosses like the Eye of Cthulhu – to provide the ultimate test of the player’s combat ability. There may be a few Nintendo surprises in store, too!
Terraria remains on track for a retail release for both 3DS and Wii U. That’ll be happening early next year, along with the digital Wii U version.
Check out a launch trailer for Terraria on 3DS below.
Source: 505 Games PR
Video: European eShop highlights – November 2015
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, Videos, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
Nintendo released a new video today showcasing a few European digital game highlights from November 2015. You can watch it below.
More: Europe, Nintendo Download
Kimishima – mobile talk, Wii U support, QoL still coming, will be around for more than a year
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Mobile, News, Wii U | 25 Comments
In addition to NX, new Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima addressed several other topics pertaining to the company while speaking with TIME. These include mobile, Wii U support in the future and how he didn’t say the system would be a failure, amiibo, Shigeru Miyamoto’s “fellow” role, Genyo Takeda, Quality of Life, and the length of his presidency.
We’ve rounded up Kimishima’s comments below. You can also find TIME’s original piece here.
More: interview, Miitomo, Tatsumi Kimishima, top
Kimishima – NX not the next version of Wii or Wii U, “something unique and different”
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 61 Comments
TIME magazine recently caught up with Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima. Among other things, he shared a bit more about NX, though in vague terms.
Here’s what he said about the upcoming system:
“NX [the codename for Nintendo’s next game system] is in development. (It is) a next step in our dedicated device strategy, the core and primary focus of our business.”
“As far as NX goes, I’ve said it’s different and obviously a new experience. If you look back to the beginning of our conversation today, we talked about the transition from Wii hardware to the Wii U hardware and how difficult it is to explain to the consumer base what is different and new about the new hardware. It’s difficult to convince them to switch from their current platform to the next platform. That being said, I can assure you we’re not building the next version of Wii or Wii U. It’s something unique and different. It’s something where we have to move away from those platforms in order to make it something that will appeal to our consumer base.”
Kimishima also commented on the “NX” codename. It seems that there’s no “real meaning behind it” – at least as far as he knows.
Kimishima said:
“As for the codename NX, I don’t believe that there’s any real meaning behind it, and to be perfectly honest, I don’t know where it came from. Or perhaps Mr. Iwata had meant to tell me and then never got the chance.”
More: interview, Tatsumi Kimishima, top
Nintendo Download (12/3/15, North America) – Trauma Team, Pokemon Picross, more
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News, Wii U eShop | 1 Comment
This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:
Wii U Retail
Kung Fu Panda: Showdown of Legendary Legends – $39.99
Xenoblade Chronicles X – $59.99 (available Friday)
Wii Download for Wii U
Trauma Team – $19.99
3DS Retail
Kung Fu Panda: Showdown of Legendary Legends – $29.99
3DS Download
Dementium Remastered – $14.99
Pokemon Picross – free-to-start
The Mysterious Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde – $4.99
3DS Demo
Fantasy Pirates
eShop Sales
Wii U/3DS
– Citizens of Earth (Wii U and Nintendo 3DS) is on sale starting at 9 a.m. PT on Dec. 7 until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec. 21.
Wii U
– 99Moves, Abyss and more games from EnjoyUp Games are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on Jan. 7.
– Crash City Mayhem is 75 percent off (reduced from $19.99 to $4.99) starting at 9 a.m. PT on Dec. 7 until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec. 14.
– Shin Megami Tensei IV is 25 percent off (reduced from $19.99 to $14.99) starting at 9 a.m. PT on Dec. 7 until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec. 21.
– Escape from Zombie City, Ninja Battle Heroes and more games from Tom Create are on sale starting at 9 a.m. PT on Dec. 4 until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec. 18.
– Darts Up 3D, Soccer Up 3D and more games from EnjoyUp Games are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on Jan. 7.
– 3D MahJongg, Gardenscapes and more games from Joindots are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on Dec. 17.
3DS Themes
Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX “Carton Box”
Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival : Plaza
Source: Nintendo PR
More: Nintendo Download, top
European Xenoblade Chronicles X Limited Edition unboxing video
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 2 Comments
Some folks are already starting to get their hands on Xenoblade Chronicles X ahead of the game’s western launch tomorrow. Get a look at the European limited edition below.
More: Europe, unboxing, Xenoblade Chronicles X
Wii U eShop charts (12/2/15)
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 1 Comment
This week’s Wii U eShop charts are as follows:
1. Super Mario Maker
2. Zelda: The Wind Waker HD
3. Metroid Fusion
4. Kirby’s Return to Dream Land
5. Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash
6. Super Mario World
7. Zelda: Ocarina of Time
8. Xenoblade Chronicles X
9. Super Mario 64
10. Super Mario Bros. 3
11. Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse
12. Mario Golf
13. Octodad: Dadliest Catch
14. Pikmin 3
15. Never Alone
16. Super Mario Bros.
17. Child of Light
18. Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
19. Typoman
20. Don’t Starve: Giant Edition
1. Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash – A Vacation from the Sprixie Kingdom
2. Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash – Smash the Competition Trailer
3. Yoshi’s Woolly World Adventure Guide Episode 1
4. Super Smash Bros. Cloud Storms Into Battle
5. Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash – A Break from Adventuring TGrailer
6. Yoshi’s Woolly World Adventure Guide Episode 3
7. Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash – Monsters of the Court Trailer
8. Typoman Trailer
9. Yoshi’s Woolly World Adventure Guide Episode 2
10. Play Nintendo Introduction Video
11. Xenoblade Chronicles X Survive Trailer
12. Star Fox Zero | Introducing Star Fox
13. Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash – Team up with amiibo GTrailer
14. Splatoon | Inkredible New Stages nad Gear
15. The World of Xenoblade Chronicles X
16. Nintendo Direct 11/12/15
17. Great Games to Buy with eShop Cards
18. The Peanuts Movie: Snoopy’s Grand Adventure Trailer
19. Nintendo Minute – Super Mario Maker SUP-tember Fav levels 1
20. amiibo Holiday Trailer
Source: Wii U eShop
More: charts
3DS eShop charts (12/2/15)
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments
This week’s 3DS eShop charts are as follows:
1. Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon
2. Super Mario 3D Land
3. Mario Kart 7
4. 3D Sonic the Hedgehog
5. Rune Factory 4
6. BoxBoy!
7. Metroid
8. Super Mario Bros. 3
9. Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse
10. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
11. Azure Striker Gunvolt
12. Fire Emblem Awakening
13. Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream
14. Zelda: Tri Force Heroes
15. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy
16. Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl
17. Smash Controller
18. SteamWorld Dig
19. Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer
20. Shovel Knight
1. Nintendo Badge Arcade Trailer
2. Yo-kai Watch Episode 1
3. Super Smash Bros. Cloud Storms Into Battle
4. Stella Glow Trailer
5. Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden Full Trailer
6. Terraria Trailer
7. Yo-kai Watch Launch Trailer
8. Nintendo Direct 11/12/15
9. Final Fantasy Explorers Trailer
10. Zelda: Tri Force Heroes Launch Trailer
11. Mario Kart 7 Video
12. Dementium Remastered Trailer
13. Pokemon Rumble World Trailer
14. Pokemon Picross – Turn Puzzles Into Portraits
15. 3D Sonic the Hedgehog Trailer
16. Fire Emblem Fates E3 2015 Trailer
17. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate November DLC Pack Trailer
18. Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX Trailer
19. Rune Factory 4 Trailer
20. IronFall Trailer
Source: 3DS eShop
More: charts
Xenoblade Chronicles X Special Edition back up on Amazon Canada
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 4 Comments
The Xenoblade Chronicles X Special Edition can be ordered once again on Amazon Canada. To get an order in, head on over to the product page here.
Capcom: Monster Hunter X shipments at 2 million copies
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 5 Comments
Data provided by the likes of Media Create and Famitsu indicated that Monster Hunter X had sold 1.5 million copies in Japan thus far. Amazingly, that high figure was achieved in just a couple of days.
Capcom has also now followed up with its own sales announcement. The publisher said in a press release today that shipments for Monster Hunter X are at 2 million units. This includes retail copies, plus sales on the eShop and download cards.