Typoman seeing “a little” delay
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
Typoman was originally on track to launch in North America and Europe this week. But today, Headup Games said that its Wii U eShop game is experiencing a slight delay.
The publisher said in a statement:
We would like to inform you that the previously communicated release date of our Wii U exclusive game Typoman will be postponed by a little. As soon as we can set a final release date, we will send out a new announcement.
Without going into too much detail please rest assured that the development has been progressing well. The game simply needs a little more time to be finalized according to the developers and our high quality standards.
We’ll let you know when Typoman receives a new release date.
More: Brainseed Factory, Headup Games, indie, Typoman
Super Mario Maker – hardcover artbook with Shigeru Miyamoto
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 1 Comment
Shigeru Miyamoto has given us yet another look at Super Mario Maker’s artbook (which is hardcover in Europe for those who are unaware). Check out the video below.
Another Super Mario Maker review scores trailer
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 2 Comments
Nintendo UK has come out with yet another reviews trailer for Super Mario Maker. Watch it below.
More: Super Mario Maker
[Let’s Talk] Have you picked up Super Mario Maker?
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Let's Talk | 114 Comments
Let’s Talk #23: Have you picked up Super Mario Maker?
Following its reveal at E3 2014 over a year ago, Super Mario Maker has finally arrived around the world. This is a pretty big release for Wii U. It may very well be Nintendo’s biggest game as a whole this year as well.
Even though Super Mario Maker is a Mario game, it’s quite different than what we’re used to. Nintendo has finally given players the tools to make their own levels. Making things even better, Super Mario Maker offers quite a bit of online functionality so that levels can be played and exchanged with others.
With all of that out of the way, how many of you picked up Super Mario Maker? What do you think of it so far? Are there any changes or additions you’d like to see in future updates? Let us know about your initial play impressions of the game in the comments below!
Highlights from last week’s topic: What are you playing? – September 2015
I’m playing Phoenix Wright Ace Attourney Dual Destinies,I barely started and I already got 15 hours of gameplay! lol! Let’s finish before Ace Attourney 6 come out.
On my Wii U,Metroid Prime Trilogy all-the-way,note that I’ve never played any of the Prime games,just a little bit of the first one,so it’s been a whole new expirience for me,and now I see why hey call these games “masterpieces”.
Lord Drieg
Been mostly hunting in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. Managed to attain Hunter Rank 5 so now I’m a little closer to getting Samus’ armor. Also I’ve been trying to solo that Akantor for Link’s Sword. So frustrating!! Other than that, Smash on 3DS, and Shovel Knight to celebrate the amiibo announcement! (So good!) I’ve been wanting to get LBX, so spread some love and if you would, tell me about the game. I’ve been craving a new Medabots/Custom Robo style game and this looks like my fix!
I found Bayonetta 1 & 2 with a discount, so I’m playing these, they’re truly awesome games and alternating with the evergreen Smash or Splatoon… Also, ready to play a lot of Mario Maker, principally by downloading these awesome courses that you highlight!
I have been playing a ton of The Binding of Isaac Rebirth. I tried The Binding of Isaac when it first came out on PC, but I guess it just didn’t really take. However, I really really like the Wii U port. Been playing too much, wife is actually getting a bit mad lol. Other than that I have been playing Pokemon Y and Pokemon Shuffle Mobile because I have a Pokemon addition.
Edit: Also, last night I just downloaded Mario and Donkey Kong: Minis on the Move. Was kind of hesitant of it being a spin off and all. But surprisingly enough it is pretty darn fun. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a fun and cute mario themed puzzler.
I have been playing a TON of Little Battlers Experience: LBX since it released. I just really like the combat and customizing mechanics
More: highlight, pokemon go gameplay, top
Monster Hunter X – Insect Glaive, Light Bowgun trailers (full versions)
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
Another couple of Monster Hunter X trailers are in. Below, you’ll find full videos focusing on the Insect Glaive and Light Bowgun.
More: Capcom, Japan, Monster Hunter X
Google has a little Super Mario Bros. Easter egg
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 5 Comments
There’s a small Mario-related Easter egg on Google’s website. By searching for the term “Super Mario Bros.”, you’ll see a Question Block towards the right side of the page. Clicking it plays the familiar animation and sound (try getting to 100 as well) that we all know and love! It’s a nice little nod to the 30th anniversary of Super Mario Bros.
Splatoon – Japanese Splatfest #5 results
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
Splatoon’s fifth Splatfest was held in Japan over the weekend. The event is now over, and the results are in.
Tsukkomi (straight man) managed to beat out boke (funny man) in both wins and popularity, although both of these were fairly close. Tsukkomi secured 261 points compared to boke’s 239 points.
North America and Europe’s fifth Splatfest will be taking place next weekend.
More: Splatoon
The Legend of Dark Witch Episode 2 gameplay
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, Videos | 1 Comment
A new gameplay video for The Legend of Dark Witch Episode 2 was recently uploaded online. View it below.
Thanks to Jake for the tip.
Famitsu’s most wanted games (9/13/15)
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U | 5 Comments
It’s time for the latest Famitsu’s most wanted games chart! Monster Hunter X has relinquished its position at the top spot, but both it and Dragon Quest XI are in the top five.
Head past the break for the full chart. All votes were cast between August 27 and September 2.
More: Famitsu, Famitsu's most wanted
Gunscape will have proper support for Wii Remote pointer controls
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 2 Comments
A few days ago, Blowfish Studio Games confirmed that its old-school shooter Gunscape will be coming to Wii U early next year. The game will allow for level sharing across platforms.
Blowfish Studio Games has since told Nintendo Everything reader Mike that Gunscape will feature “proper Wii Remote pointer controls.”
While it’s a small detail, it’s notable in a way. We haven’t seen too many shooters on Wii U these days to make use of the Wii Remote aside from the older Call of Duty games.