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Pikmin 4 is in development, series creator Shigeru Miyamoto has revealed.

“It’s actually very close to completion,” Miyamoto told Eurogamer back in July. “Pikmin teams are always working on the next one.”

Nintendo also added the following in an official statement: “We can confirm that Pikmin 4 is in development but that is all we can confirm at present.”

Miyamoto didn’t say which platform Pikmin 4 is planned for, but NX is certainly a possibility.

Thanks to JurgenMcGurgen for the tip.


Tomorrow, a new rule set will be added to Devil’s Third in Europe and Japan.

The game will be receiving the new “Guardian” Drill mode. Those who play the rule set between September 8 and September 15 can receive five times the experience points.

Before this new content is added in, Devil’s Third will be undergoing a few hours of maintenance. Online play will be affected between 2 AM and 5 AM CEST.


YouTube user “ninten2tv” has another video in comparing Dragon Quest VIII on the 3DS and PlayStation 2. Watch it below.

Three more screenshots from Zelda: Tri Force Heroes have come in through the series’ Japanese Twitter account. View them below.


Let’s Talk #22: What are you playing? – September 2015

A new month is here! August has passed, and we’re finally in September. There are just a few more months left in 2015…

Since we’re in a new month, we want to know: what are you playing? Tell us in the comments below! Even though this is a Nintendo-centric site, we don’t want to leave anyone out of the discussion. Feel free to talk about any games on any platform that you’re playing!

Highlights from last week’s topic: Indie amiibo you’d like to see


Yeah, a Shantae amiibo is a must now, Risky also deserves one. It’s sad that Rare isn’t with Ninty anymore, ’cause any of the Battletoads would have been a great Amiibo too.


Rusty from Steamworld Dig! Heist is probably too far in development for it, but a Rusty amiibo could be tapped to allow Rusty to be playable in Heist (similar to the Fire Emblem characters in Code Name S.T.E.A.M.). I can’t really think of any new in-game functionality for it, but I’d also love a CommanderVideo amiibo!


Ones I could actually see working with Nintendo franchises really well would be Shantae, Max from Mutant Mudds, Scram Kitty, Juan from Guacamelee, and Gunvolt. I would say Mighty Number 9, but we already have Mega Man and I’m sure Nintendo wants to keep a more positive relationship with CAPCOM (And as of right now, CAPCOM is not happy with Comcept).

I think many of those characters work, because they are all very vibrant, colorful, fun, and each of them have an oldschool NES/SNES feel to them. It doesn’t seem like any of them fall far from the Nintendo mindset, which makes me think they’d all fit in to the amiibo lineup very, very well.

As for me, though, I would go bonkers if they made a Juan amiibo! Could you imagine the list of poses they could use for his amiibo?! The possibilities are just making me joyful!

Wynne Knapman

Shantae all the way! 100% just because I want a figurine of Shantae. …Actually, I’d really like an entire Shantae line: Shantae, Risky, Sky, Mimic, Tinkerbat, and ESPECIALLY Rottytops! *Edit: I completely forgot Bolo!

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It’s time for the latest Famitsu’s most wanted games chart! Monster Hunter X continues to hold its position at number one spot while Dragon Quest XI continues its ascent towards the top.

Head past the break for the full chart. All votes were cast between August 20 and August 26.

Crystalline Green is hard at work on Totem Topple, a vertical tower defense game for the Wii U eShop.

Here’s the official description:

“Build your totem pole up into the sky and to the stars beyond. But beware of flying demons trying to knock you down! Add upgrades to your totem – wolves, bears, deer and more each have their own unique properties to help make your totem pole strong against attack.”

Check out a trailer for Totem Topple below. We’ll let you know when we hear about a release date.

Mario Hoops 3-on-3 – otherwise known as Mario Slam Basketball in PAL regions – could be coming soon to the Virtual Console. The game was just rated in Australia today. Although a release date hasn’t been announced, this is a clear sign that Nintendo has plans to bring the title to the Wii U eShop.

Thanks to Thomas L for the tip.


Plenty of footage is available showing Dragon Quest VIII on 3DS. You’ll find one such video below.

Best Buy is running an offer on Super Mario Maker this week. If you pre-order / purchase Super Mario Maker, you can save $20 on Mario Kart 8, Splatoon, or Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. The deal will last through September 12.

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