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Sonic Lost World and One Piece: Unlimited World Red have both received price cuts on the eShop. The former title is now available for $29.95 on both Wii U and 3DS. Meanwhile, the Wii U version of One Piece: Unlimited World Red has been dropped to $39.99.


Watch Dogs will finally be released on Wii U this month. Like most games, it will be available at retail as well as on the eShop (for $59.99, of course).

If you opt for the latter option, note that Watch Dogs takes up 17.7GB of space. That information comes from a listing on Nintendo’s digital store.

Also found in the same listing are a few screenshots from Watch Dogs. I don’t want to make too big a deal out of the images though, as I can’t verify that they’re Wii U-specific. When it comes to multiplatform third-party releases, these listings don’t always show screenshots that were taken from the Wii U version.


Two new games will be available on the Japanese Wii U Virtual Console next week. They are as follows:

Mega Man Battle Network 2 (GBA VC, 702 yen)
Crash ‘n’ the Boys: Street Challenge (FC VC, 514).

The games above are hitting the Japanese eShop on November 12.


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