Team17 came close to losing the Worms franchise
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Team17 came close to losing its Worms IP – not once, but twice.
In the late 1990s for example, Team17 signed a publishing deal after receiving extra funding for a game behind schedule. The Worms IP would have been relinquished to the publisher if sales targets for the title were not met within 12 months.
Thankfully, everything ended up working out, as the target was eventually beaten by 1.7 percent.
Team17 owner Debbie Bestwick wrote in a Develop column:
More: Debbie Bestwick, interview, Team17, Worms
Hyrule Warriors character overviews for Fi, Ghirahim, The Imprisoned
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 5 Comments
Nintendo has shared official Hyrule Warriors character overviews for Fi, Ghirahim, and The Imprisoned on its Facebook page. You can find the full set below.
Fi is the spirit of the “Goddess Sword” sealed inside the Statue of the Goddess in Skyloft. Once the worlds became fused together, Fi was transported from the world of Skyward Sword into the world of Hyrule Warriors.
More: Hyrule Warriors, Koei Tecmo, Omega Force, Team Ninja
Azure Striker Gunvolt won’t have English voices, no DLC
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 4 Comments
Inti Creates was originally planning on including English voices in the North American release of Azure Striker Gunvolt. However, this is no longer in the cards.
The official Azure Striker Gunvolt Twitter account confirms:
@DuoDynamo I said that North American ver has English voice. However, the game don't have English voice, for the specification has changed.
— gunvolt_official (@GunvoltOfficial) July 13, 2014
@TheStormEmperor @DuoDynamo Voice of Japanese will be implemented in the North American version for the battle part.
— gunvolt_official (@GunvoltOfficial) July 13, 2014
Separate from the topic of voice acting, Inti Creates said that Azure Striker Gunvolt won’t have DLC.
@Unialien We will not plan downloadable contents for this game.
— gunvolt_official (@GunvoltOfficial) July 13, 2014
Mercedes-Benz says its Mario commercial has exceeded expectations
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 5 Comments
Back in May, Nintendo announced that Mario Kart 8 would be receiving Mercedes-Benz DLC. The news was accompanied by a commercial featuring a crossover between Mario and the car company.
According to Mercedes-Benz Japan president and chief executive officer Kintaro Ueno, the ad “has exceeded our expectations.” No surprise there, as the video has been viewed over two million times. Mercedes-Benz Japan has also confirmed an increase in visitors to its showrooms and demand for the car.
Ueno said:
“[The commercial] was quite a talking point, bringing a lot of people to the showroom. This is a new market segment for us, but it has exceeded our expectations. I can say that it’s going well.”
More: interview, Kintaro Ueno, Mercedes-Benz
Video: Shoot arrows without a bow in latest Zelda: Ocarina of Time glitch
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, Videos | 0 comments
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time may have originally launched close to 16 years ago, but new glitches are discovered every now and again. The latest, shown above, lets players shoot arrows without a bow. Check it out!
Super Toy Cars hitting the European Wii U eShop next week
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
Super Toy Cars has been confirmed for release on the Wii U eShop next week, per a listing on the digital store. It will be available on July 24 for €7.99. A North American launch shouldn’t be too far behind!