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Wii U owners in the US can now purchase a high-capacity GamePad battery from Nintendo’s online store. Whereas the original controller battery lasts just 3-5 hours, the new one offers up to eight hours of use.

You can make a purchase for the high-capacity battery here. Pricing is set at $32 (plus shipping).


Gaiabreaker will be released on the Japanese Wii U eShop on December 25 for 1,890 yen.


Namco Bandai is readying Doraemon: New Nobita’s Great Demon – Peko and the Exploration Party of Five (quite a long title!) for 3DS.

The new Doraemon is said to be a third-person action game. Players will be able to controls characters from the series including Nobita, Doraemon, Shizuka and Suneo. Animals will be involved in some fashion, too.

Doraemon: New Nobita’s Great Demon – Peko and the Exploration Party of Five launches in Japan on March 6.

Wii U overview video

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 3 Comments


Vblank Entertainment updated the official Retro City Rampage website with a bunch of new screenshots and details for the game’s 3DS version. Most importantly, we now know that Retro City Rampage is hitting the eShop next year for $9.99.

Other details include:

– Will include updates made to the PC version and more
– Not a quick port
– Attention given to every detail
– All missions reworked for 3DS
– Front end and UI rebuilt for two screens
– Touch features where it makes sense
– Touch screen weapon select included
– Can still use the original weapon cycle button
– Larger minimap
– Minimap shows enemy and police locations
– Can zoom and scroll the map with touch or buttons in the pause menu
– Change the radio station quickly with the touch screen as well
– The enemy lock-on works as before
– You can now also hold the L button while pressing the +Control Pad to shoot in specific directions, similar to having a right stick
– The above is optional
– Zoomed in camera
– Camera panning has been added in specific cases
– When driving in vehicles, the camera pulls forward allowing you to see well ahead
– When on certain missions, as seen in the image to the right, the camera pans towards enemies
– HUD/UI reworked to reduce clutter on the top screen
– Important displays such as health and objectives appear on the top while less important information stays on the bottom
– Weapon trucks are now scattered throughout the city
– This allows you to buy weapons without traveling all the way to one of the stores
– More will be added like world interactions and TV Mode color palettes
– Game was submitted for certification earlier this month
– Game won’t be out until next year
– $9.99


Quickfire Games could bring its Harvest Moon-inspired indie project “Wild Season” to the Wii U and 3DS eShops. The studio has already reached out to Nintendo regarding a Wii U Unity version, and there’s some interest in the 3DS as well.

Here’s what the developer wrote on Kickstarter regarding Wild Season’s platforms:

Radirgy – otherwise known as Radio Allergy – is making a comeback on the 3DS eShop. Klon will release the game in Japan on February 19. Pricing is set at 800 yen.

Radirgy is a side-scrolling shooter released many years ago on the GameCube and other platforms. It’s unclear whether the 3DS title is a straight port or a reworked version with improvements.

Source, Via

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