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This month’s digital rewards on Club Nintendo have gone live. Members can choose from Zoda’s Revenge: StarTropics II (Wii, 150 coins), Pilotwings (Wii, 150 coins), Art Academy: First Semester (3DS, 150 coins), and Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again (3DS, 150 coins). These items last through October 6.

Visit this page to order a downloadable game.



Two new Treasurenauts screenshots are now available for viewing. You can also view them in 3D on your 3DS through the QR code below:



Square Enix’s official TGS 2013 website is now live. The page confirms most of the games that we heard about previously, but with a couple of additions like Bravely Default: For the Sequel and Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure.

Square Enix will be hosting a number of live stage events for Dragon Quest X, Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, and Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. A talk event with composers is also planned, featuring Kenji Ito, Yasunori Mitsuda, and Yoko Shimomura.


During Keiji Inafune’s time at Capcom, the Mega Man creator fought hard for others to take risks.

Inafune spoke about this in a new interview with NowGamer. The site asked him about his time at Capcom and what he’s learned about the industry since leaving.

Inafune said the following in response:

“When I was at Capcom, I fought hard for people to be creative and to take risks but within a larger organisation, you sometimes get numb to taking those risks.

“You sort of project it by the organisation. When I was at Capcom, I felt I was one of the ones fighting to take those risks and that I wasn’t numb to the fact that we needed to do that.

“But going independent and starting my own company, I realised that even I was still somewhat numb when I was still at Capcom. There were aspects where Capcom was protecting me. I think for a creator to be creative, they need to take risks and they need to be out there and willing to take those risks and be willing to fail.

“Starting my own company [Comcept], I have all of that risk. My company lives or dies on how we run the company, the creative ideas and the games we can create. I realised going independent, just how sensitive I need to be and how much more it takes to really push to take those risks and what those risks can actually mean to the company itself.”


Nintendo will air a new Pokemon Direct for Pokemon X/Y tomorrow, the company has announced. President Satoru Iwata will be on hand to carry out the proceedings. According to a press email sent out by Nintendo, the presentation will “provide news on the Pokémon X and Pokémon Y games”.

To watch the new Pokemon Direct, tune in at 7 AM ET / 4 AM PT. We’ll have a stream right here on the site. You can also view the presentation on the official North American, European, or Japanese website.

Source: Nintendo PR

Metal Max 4 boxart

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Images | 3 Comments


Tangram Style developer Moving Player has confirmed four titles for the eShop as part of its 2013 lineup. Two games are scheduled for Wii U while another two are heading to the 3DS.

Below is Moving Player’s lineup in full:

– HAPPY CIRCUS, an educational game to learn to count and read in six different languages in a fun environment, available in the upcoming weeks for Nintendo 3DS.
– EVOFISH Wii U, the console version of the iOS and Android game, upgraded with a new way to play in solo and an asynchronous multiplayer mode where up to 5 players compete in a predator/prey challenge!
– COCORO LINE DEFENDER, a strategy game in a fantasy Japan, theater of a fight between the 4 elements. This title will also be available for download on Nintendo 3DS in fall 2013.
– TRIBOO, a Wii U game with an innovative gameplay planned for late 2013, will mix-up defense-game, action-game and god-game, in an offbeat tropical universe, surrounded by funny characters.

You can find screenshots of Happy Circuis, Evofish, and Cocoro above.

We don’t know when Rage of the Gladiator is heading to the 3DS eShop or what sort of features the game will offer on Nintendo’s portable, but we at least have a confirmation of its development.

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