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This weeks UK software sales are as follows;

Wii U

1. Super Smash Bros. – Nintendo

2. Mario Kart 8 – Nintendo

3. Just Dance 2015 – Ubisoft

4. New Super Mario Bros. U – Nintendo

5. Super Mario 3D World – Nintendo

6. Nintendoland – Nintendo

7. Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham – Nintendo

8. Hyrule Warriors – Nintendo

9. Bayonetta 2 – Nintendo

10. Disney Infinity 2.0 – Avalanche Software


1. Pokemon Omega Ruby – Nintendo

2. Pokemon Alpha Saphire – Nintendo

3. Super Smash Bros. – Nintendo

4. Tomodachi Life – Nintendo

5. Mario Kart 7 – Nintendo

6. Frozen: Olaf’s Quest – 1st Playable

7. New Super Mario Bros. 2 – Nintendo

8. Super Mario 3D Land – Nintendo

9. Luigi’s Mansion 2 – Nintendo

10. Animal Crossing: New Leaf – Nintendo


Source1, Source2

This weeks UK software sales are as follows;

Individual Formats

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All Formats

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Source1, Source2

Author: Patrick

Part of the appeal of Super Smash Bros. to me is the history behind it all. With their large cast of characters, range of collectibles and obscure music picks, I always seem to be discovering new games with each installment. The original game introduced me to Earthbound, while Melee first brought Fire Emblem to my attention. This new Smash Bros.’ cast of newcomers are largely from games released in the last few years, but what I find interesting how Namco-Bandai’s involvement in development resulted in Namco’s history finding a way into the game.

Pac-Man is one of my favourite characters to play as in the new Super Smash Bros. and it’s partially due to his “Namco Roulette” taunt. This taunt involves Pac-Man summoning a bunch of old Namco sprites from the company’s golden age for a quick cameo, but there’s no trophies or anything to give context to these characters. With that in mind, let’s look at all these Namco icons as we take either a trip down memory lane. Namco have a legacy of creating incredible arcade titles that still persists to this day –I’ve been hooked on Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Vs. Full Boost lately- and it’s great to see it represented in Smash Bros. in some form. So let’s start by traveling thirty-five years back in time…

You can get a look at the amiibo functionality at the 4:56 mark!


It’s time for the latest Famitsu’s most wanted games chart! Final Fantasy XV, Bravely Second, Tales of Zestiria, Persona 5, and The Legend of Legacy are the new top five.

Head past the break for the full chart. All votes were cast between December 4 and December 10.

Assassination Classroom: Grand Siege on Kurosensei will be released in Japan on March 12.

Famitsu published a review for Final Fantasy Explorers in one of its issues earlier this month. Across four different reviewers, the game earned eights across the board for a total of 32 out of 40.

Of course, it helps to know what the editors actually said about Final Fantasy Explorers. We now have a complete translation of the game’s review. Continue on below to read it in full!

Gust Corporation issued official screenshots, art, and details for Atelier Rorona Plus: The Alchemist of Arland today. You’ll find all of the latest content collected below.

– Gust calls it a game of “enhanced charm”
– Revamped battle system suited for the 3DS’ stereoscopic 3D
– Look down on a grid-based field
– Can freely move characters before using actions
– Actions include attack, defend, items, skills
– Each action has their own range of effect on the grid
– Overtime Mode: After the story ends, Totori and Meruru come from the future and the three protagonists of the Arland trilogy are united in efforts to return them to their original worlds
– Totori and Meruru are playable in battle at this time and will also be chibi-fied
– Esty Dee: Esty, who was a recurring support character in the Arland trilogy, will be playable in addition to Totori and Meruru
– Although receptionist for the castle, Esty is said to exhibit great power in battle
– A number of carefully selected costumes suited to its chibi characters will be available
– The additional maps and bosses from the original Atelier Rorona Plus will also appear in the 3DS game
– Kitchen Garden and Atelier Redecorating: the kitchen garden and ability to redecorate Rorona’s atelier will also be available
– Can change the game’s difficulty
– Premium Box has a five-piece character metal charm set, cleaner cloth pouch, and mini-tapestry
– First-print copies of the game include an original 3DS theme


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