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This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (PS4/XBO) – 9/9/9/9
The Crew (PS4/XBO) – 8/9/9/9
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris (PS4) – 9/8/9/8
Squids Odyssey (3DS) – 6/8/7/9
Toybox Turbos (PS3/360) – 7/7/7/8
Derby Stallion Gold (3DS) – 7/7/7/7
Mahouka Koukou No Rettousei: Out of Order (PSV) – 7/7/7/7
Dooors (3DS) – 7/7/8/6

According to a possible leak from Famitsu it looks like the recently announced 3DS game, Rorona Atelier will launch in Japan on March 26, 2015.

It also seems as if the game will have a special unlock-able feature called “Atelier Astrid”. This unlocked feature will take place when Astrid Zexis and Sterkenburg “Sterk” Cranach are younger, and you will be able to see how they lived their lives.

There also seems to be a variable difficulty option in the game.

Although no additional information is available at this time, we are sure to see more updates as the time draws nearer to the release date.

Stay tuned for future updates.

Source, Source2

Famitsu have revealed a few new details on the upcoming crossover dungeon crawler, Etrian Mystery Dungeon, including the game’s boxart. The game will feature a new character class, the Wanderer (Fuurai), which looks an awful lot like a certain veteran Mystery Dungeon explorer. A pair of new NPC characters were also revealed; One of them handles the usual “Adventurer’s Guild” for creating characters and arranging parties while the other dapper fellow offers missions. Famitsu also teased the massive D.O.E. enemies that will appear during dungeon dives, which will presumably act like Etrian Odyssey’s traditional F.O.E. foes. We’ve included a bunch of the new art and screenshots in a gallery over the break.


Level-5 has picked up two new Youkai Watch-related trademarks in the United States. “Jibanyan” and “Whisper” – important characters from Level-5’s series – had filings on December 9.

Back in January, Level-5 trademarked “Yo-kai Watch” in the states.


Terra Formars: Fierce Battle on the Crimson Planet received a release date in the latest issue of Young Jump. It will be available in Japan on April 2, the magazine confirms. Check out the scan above for a preview of Terra Formars’ boxart.


Dengeki offers further insight into Super Smash Bros. for Wii U’s first week sales in Japan. According to the site, the game sold through roughly 60 percent of its initial shipment. Dengeki’s own numbers suggest that Derby Stallion Gold – another title that just made its debut in Japan – sold through 50 percent of its initial shipment.


Just when we thought that Capcom may take a break on announcing collaborations for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, the company reveals another. Today Capcom provided a first look at a Devil May Cry crossover for the title. Players will be able to dress their Felyne in a Dante costume – complete with his hair, jacket, and sword.

Koji Kondo has been making Zelda music ever since the series’ first entry. As such, you might be curious as to which game takes the top spot as Kondo’s favorite overworld theme.

That honor goes to Zelda: Ocarina of Time. In an interview with Polygon, Kondo spoke about how he “broke it into 8-bar sections and there was some random phrasing that was implemented so that the melody would be changed up.” He hoped to create a track that players wouldn’t get “tired of listening to”.

Below are Kondo’s full words:

“That’s a tough question. Looking back, I think the version that we used in Ocarina of Time. …this is the overworld theme that we’re talking about here.”

“For Ocarina, we wanted something that didn’t play so often that players got tired of listening to it. So I broke it into 8-bar sections and there was some random phrasing that was implemented so that the melody would be changed up. Again, these are 8-bar sections that I created to all work together, but when combined, they change, and there’s some random stuff going on there. I really like the way that worked out.”


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