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Vampire Survivors review

System: Switch
Release date: August 17, 2023
Developer: Poncle
Publisher: Poncle

Every now and then a game will be released that breaks away from the labels that we use to define titles and will become a thing entirely unto itself. Vampire Survivors is one such game, having been met with massive success when it first launched last year. Part rogue-like, part bullet-hell, and entirely self-contained, it has already inspired several other titles that have tried to capture its unique magic. It is magic, I am very pleased to say, that is a perfect fit for the Switch, and a game that is more than worth your time.

Stray Gods review

System: Switch
Release date: August 10, 2023
Developer: Summerfall Studios
Publisher: Humble Games

Greek mythology has been a popular inspiration for video games for some time now, with both AAA series and indie titles placing us into the world of the pantheon of gods and their various conflicts, which are typically resolved with violence. Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical brings with it a different approach, giving us a modern-day setting and challenging us to resolve our differences through the power of song. The result is something that probably won’t be winning over the hearts and minds of those averse to breaking out into song with the flimsiest of excuses anytime soon, but will have anyone else singing its praises.

Bomb Rush Cyberfunk review

System: Switch
Release date: August 18, 2023
Developer: Team Reptile
Publisher: Team Reptile

Jet Set Radio is one of SEGA’s classic Dreamcast games – its combination of fast-paced rollerblading, urban vandalism and high-energy hip-hop have remained unique in the decades since the original release. Sadly, it’s a title that’s become increasingly inaccessible these days, and the franchise has been dormant for a long time. Well, if SEGA were to make a Jet Set Radio game in 2023, it would probably look a lot like Bomb Rush Cyberfunk – the developers at Team Reptile have taken everything you loved from the titles that inspired it, revamped it all with modern controls, and repackaged it with some incredible music and a high-energy cast of characters. This is the game Jet Set Radio fans have been waiting for – and for everyone else, it’s one of the most creative, exciting skating games released in decades.

Another Pokemon Presents presentation came and went this week. It was a lengthy broadcast coming in at 35 minutes long, but if you were hoping for a bunch of announcements, you may have been disappointed.

The latest look at the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet DLC – including a final September release date for The Teal Mask – was shown and was probably the biggest part of the presentation. Outside of that, a number of other games and updates were included such as a new trailer for Detective Pikachu Returns. Pokemon Trading Card Game and Pokemon Stadium 2 dropped on Nintendo Switch Online as well.

There’s now been some discussion as to whether this type of Pokemon Presents is really necessary if there isn’t anything truly new to show. Where do you stand on the debate? And what’d you think of the August 2023 Pokemon Presents overall? Let us know in the comments below.

A new month started up this week. Now that we’re in August, we want to know what you’ve been playing.

Have you been continuing to play Pikmin 4? Maybe you’ve started up Zelda: Oracle of Ages / Oracle of Seasons on Nintendo Switch Online? No matter the case, let us know in the comments below.

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Welcome back to Nintendo Everything Refresh! This week, join your hosts Nick and Nicolas as they discuss the recent release of Pikmin 4, and what this could mean for the future of the franchise. We’ll also chat about the rerelease of the Zelda Oracle of Ages/Seasons games via Switch Online, rumors related to Metroid Prime 2 Remastered, and much more!

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Mario Kart future

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe will be wrapping up its Booster Course Pass later this year, and that leaves us at an interesting point with the series. Mario Kart Tour will still be going on, but many will be wondering what will come next with the console games. It’s a safe bet at this point that Nintendo is holding off on introducing a brand new title until the Switch’s successor launches. With Mario Kart 8 first hitting Wii U in 2014, it’ll be at least a decade since the last totally original title.

Plenty of people have ideas as to what Nintendo should do with Mario Kart in the future. Some think the next game should go all out and bring in even more franchises outside of the immediate Mario space. Others think something like a more involved single-player campaign would be a good idea. Needless to say, although Mario Kart 8 Deluxe has a ton of content and many believe it’s the franchise’s best, there are still plenty of directions Nintendo should go in.

So what do you think Nintendo should do next with Mario Kart? What are your ideas? Let us know in the comments below.

Disney Illusion Island review

System: Switch
Release date: July 28, 2023
Developer: Dlala Studios
Publisher: Disney Electronic Content

Mickey, Minnie, Donald & Goofy may be some of the most recognizable characters of all time, but it’s been a hot minute since they featured in a noteworthy game of their own – something true of many Disney franchises since the shuttering of Disney Interactive in 2016. As such, Disney Illusion Island is something of an experiment; an attempt to craft a modern, original Mickey Mouse story in a new world with new characters, with the structure of a Metroidvania (or “Mickeyvania,” as the developers have put it). While a lack of meaningful surprises can cause the experience to drag and feel overly simple, the game’s charming humor and silky-smooth platforming result in a fun and amusing adventure.

[Review] Cross Tails

Posted on 1 year ago by in Reviews, Switch | 0 comments

System: Switch
Release date: July 20, 2023
Developer: RideOn Japan
Publisher: Kemco

The age old war between cats and dogs has never been more illustrated than what you see in Cross Tails. Two kingdoms at odds with one another in a deep-rooted hatred fueled by generations of animosity, the game’s narrative opens with the canine Kingdom of Ranverfurt and the feline Republic of Hidiq currently embroiled in a decade-long battle. With a third faction trying to drive things in their own direction, will we be able to solve the conflict and steer destiny in a peaceful direction, or will the people continue to suffer due to the interference?

Pikmin 4 has finally launched on Switch, and if you’ve picked up the game, we’re interested in hearing your early impressions.

It’s been a long wait for the next major entry in the series as Pikmin 3 first appeared on Wii U in 2013. And despite Shigeru Miyamoto saying a couple of years later that the fourth game was “close to completion”, it wasn’t until yesterday that the game launched on Switch.

So if you’re playing Pikmin 4, what do you think about it so far? How do you think it stacks up to the other entries? Let us know in the comments.

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