Nintendo hoping to “enrich” the VC lineup
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, General Nintendo, News, Wii U eShop | 2 Comments
Nintendo’s Virtual Console has been disappointing, to say the least. Releases continue to trickle out very slowly, with some weeks seeing the absence of new classic games entirely.
With any luck, the situation will improve in the future. Nintendo president Satoru Iwata said during an investors Q&A briefing several days ago that the company has been unable “to take full advantage of our assets yet, so we would like to enrich our Virtual Console lineup.” Iwata added, “As the ability to digitally offer our products has given us greater flexibility in offering new propositions to our consumers, we should naturally consider these possibilities in the future.”
More: investor Q&A, Satoru Iwata, top, Virtual Console
Iwata talks third-party publisher relations, doesn’t want to get involved with price wars/money-giving
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 6 Comments
Nintendo tends to maintain a much different approach to third-party publishers than Microsoft and Sony. Whereas the latter two companies sometimes look to secure an exclusive game or DLC (especially through financial means), this hasn’t been the case with the Big N.
Price wars and money-giving are two things Nintendo president Satoru Iwata is looking to avoid, which is something that could arise if the company were to adopt “the same methodology as the other manufacturers”. Instead, as recently noted by Iwata during an investors Q&A session, “We would like to take a unique approach of our own and build sustainable relationships with our third-party publishers.”
Iwata’s comments in full:
Iwata – End-of-year Wii U may not be targeting same user as the competition, new consoles beneficial for Nintendo
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Wii U | 0 comments
Nintendo has several Wii U titles lined up for the holidays, including Wii Party U, Wii Sports Club, Wii Fit U, and Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Games. Whereas the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One are looking to appeal to core gamers, each of these aforementioned titles from the Big N would likely garner a more “casual” label. Therefore, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata said during a recent investors Q&A that he and the company as a whole “wonder if the target user will actually be the same” compared to what the competition intends to offer.
Iwata did point out that the launch of new consoles brings about some benefits for Nintendo. “Though there are some who take the view that intensified competition means overseas competition will be tough for Nintendo,” Iwata said, “no matter how Nintendo does domestically, I do not necessarily see it that way.” That’s because new systems “energize the video game industry as a whole.”
You can find Iwata’s full comments about the Wii U’s end-of-year lineup, competition, and more below.
More: investors Q&A, Satoru Iwata, top
Iwata talks smart devices and handheld market; strong 3DS sales, but system hasn’t captured great momentum overseas
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News | 3 Comments
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata discussed the topic of “smart devices” – encompassing smartphones and tables – during the company’s latest financial results briefing Q&A.
Iwata acknowledged that people now tend to play smartphones in instances such as traveling by train whereas they were previously playing a handheld system. However, despite the rise in smart device popularity, he believes reports that the handheld market is shrinking are very much exaggerated.
Iwata pointed to strong sales of the 3DS in his argument. The system managed to sell 5.5 million units in 2012, and Nintendo expects similar sales this year. That being said, Iwata did note that 3DS momentum hasn’t been as strong in the US and Europe compared to Japan.
Elsewhere in his comments, Iwata mentioned how Nintendo is looking to take advantage of smart devices for its own benefit. Iwata is in favor of promoting the company’s own products through smartphones, for example, and said many people tend to watch Nintendo Directs on these devices.
Head past the break for Iwata’s full comments.
More: investor Q&A, Satoru Iwata, top
Iwata talks Nintendo’s digital business
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Nintendo has been doing some interesting things in the digital space. As an example, Wii Sports Club offers different price points, Pokemon Bank will carry an annual 500 yen fee, and the company has even started to dabble with the free-to-play model.
One analyst asked about these products and its digital business in general during Nintendo’s financial results briefing Q&A last week. Satoru Iwata commented with a very lengthy response, which you can find below.
More: investor Q&A, Satoru Iwata, top
Namco Bandai opens new teaser site
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Update (11/11/13): Teaser site was fir a mobile title.
Earlier today, Namco Bandai went live with a new Japanese teaser site. You can find it here.
The site doesn’t offer many clues other than the words “break burst”. We’ll find out what’s being teased here in six days.
More: Break Burst, Japan, Namco Bandai
Video: Eiji Aonuma runs through New York and talks about Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News, Videos | 3 Comments
This neat video popped up on the eShop. Didn’t see it elsewhere, so I figured I’d go ahead and upload it. You can watch Eiji Aonuma himself transform into a drawing… and run around New York!
Video: Game Boy Color costume is fully playable
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in GBA, General Nintendo, Random, Videos | 1 Comment
‘Assassin’s Creed: Rising Phoenix’ art found within Assassin’s Creed: IV
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in General Gaming, General Nintendo, News, Wii U | 2 Comments
Earlier this year, an image with the branding “Assassin’s Creed: Rising Phoenix” was found online (probably via a leak), and people began speculating that perhaps Ubisoft had accidentally let out a secret Vita project– or even a movie. To peoples’ dismay, Ubisoft promptly denied that they had any involvement with that logo, but today someone found a similar image– with the same logo– hidden within their latest game, Assassin’s Creed IV.
Maybe it was some sort of internal joke, but now that the image is directly tied with the company, it’ll be hard for them to deny some involvement! We’ll see what comes of it.
iGoGaming via Destructoid
“It’s Call of Duty Time” infographic
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Wii, Wii U | 1 Comment
Activision has published a new infographic for the Call of Duty to celebrate the release of Ghosts. You can find it below.

Source: Activision PR