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Several UK retailers have slashed the 2DS’ price just below £100.

Sainsbury has the device going for £99.99 in-store. Tesco Direct has stock available for around the same price, as does Amazon.

Argos also intends to offer the 2DS for £99 along with LEGO The Lord of the Rings and Moshi Monsters: Katsuma Unleashed. The special offer lasts through October 26.


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Square Enix has published a new media blast for its upcoming Dragon Quest X expansion, detailed the Rakkaran casino. You can find a roundup of information below. New screenshots are posted above.

– Casino contains various mini-games
– Can gamble along with slot machines and video poker stations
– Roulette table will host up to eight players at the same time
– “Casino Raid”: fulfill “certain conditions” to make a monster appear
– Up to eight players playing the same game in the casino will be able to challenge the critter
– Kill it within the time limit to receive coins that can be used to play more
– Thoma of the Kingdom of Grandzedora is a prince in the new continent of Rendasia
– 3 new monsters introduced (see screenshots)


Ubisoft is shipping Just Dance Kids 2014 to stores across North America today. It’s out now on both Wii U and Wii for $29.99.

You can find the release date announcement, including the full tracklist, below. A launch trailer is posted above.

Cypronia has at least four games lined up for the Wii U eShop. My Style Studios: Hair Salon, My Style Studios: Notebook, Color Zen, and Angry Bunnies will be heading to the eShop sometime in the future.

Keep in mind that Cypronia has a… bit of a mixed track record. The studio also put out the DSiWare Cake Ninja games and Fishdom H2O: Hidden Odyssey for the 3DS eShop.


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Today, Hometown Story has officially landed in North America. The game is available for purchase starting today for $39.99.

Europe will be receiving Hometown Story sometime in Q1 2014, courtesy of Rising Star Games.

You can find new screenshots from Hometown Story above. The release announcement is posted below.

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