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Doug Bowser, Nintendo of America’s Senior Vice President of Sales & Marketing, gave TechCrunch an interview at E3. Below are a couple of his key statements:

On the NES Classic:

“We’ve learned a lot from the NES Classic. We’ve learned there’s a real passion for retro gaming. The NES Classic was originally intended to be a holiday item and obviously there was high demand. So we doubled down and continued to produce it as we went into the next quarter. But we decided we wanted to focus on other areas. So we’re not producing any more at this point. But we’ve learned a lot.”

ARMS is out today, and Nintendo has put together an accolades trailer highlighting some of the praise critics had for the game. Give it a watch:


Nintendo Network

Some more maintenance for all of Nintendo’s platforms has been scheduled for the end of next week. “Certain network services” will be unavailable for this period:

– 6:45 PM PT (June 21) – 8 PM PT (June 21)
– 9:45 PM ET (June 21) – 11 PM ET (June 21)
– 2:45 AM in the UK (June 22) – 4 AM in the UK (June 22)
– 3:45 AM in Europe (June 22) – 5 AM in Europe (June 22)

Source Via


It was recently announced that the Japanese version of Nintendo Badge Arcade will not be receiving any more new badges. The European version has now followed suit – June 23rd will be the last day new badges will be added. It is extremely likely that the North American version will have a similar announcement next week.


The latest Grand Hero Battle in Fire Emblem Heroes has just started, but it seems like there’s a glitch affecting it. The area marked in red in the image above acts as defensive terrain, but there’s no visual indicator for it. The official Fire Emblem Heroes Twitter account has announced that the developers are unable to fix this on short notice and have decided to leave it as-is. They have asked players to remember that the area marked in red also acts as defensive terrain and plan accordingly. As a token of apology, some orbs will be sent out to all players soon.


A Cave Story + first look

Posted on 7 years ago by in Switch, Videos | 0 comments

NintenDaan has just uploaded a first look video of Cave Story +, you can catch the video below.

The Grand Hero Battle featuring Legion is now live in Fire Emblem Heroes. You can obtain a 3 star version and a 4 star version of Legion if you can beat the map on Hard or Lunatic.

Legion does not have a Summoning Focus but he does have a third map on the new difficulty called “Infernal.” Beating the map on the Infernal difficulty will give you an additional 4 star version of that character and 2,000 Hero Feathers.

Sonic Forces

Here is some off-screen footage of the custom hero and their gameplay, check it all out below.

Some new screenshots have come out for Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology. You can check out them out below in our gallery.


Jake Hunter is getting a few nice little preorder bonuses for Japan, you can check the samples out in the gallery below.


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