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If it wasn’t clear that Axiom Verge creator Tom Happ wants to port the game to Switch, it should be now. Happ already reached out to Nintendo “many times” in hopes of being approved to develop on the system, but that hasn’t happened. “As soon as we get the green light, we’ll drop everything and get right to work on the Switch version,” Happ told Nintendo Life.

Nintendo has previously stated that the company is prioritizing newer experiences over ports for Switch during the system’s early days. When that begins to change, we should be getting Axiom Verge on Switch.


Kotaku has more comments from Zelda: Breath of the Wild director Hidemaro Fujibayashi. His remarks are pretty darn interesting, as we’re able to hear about some of the ideas that were cut during development – including the Hookshot and Beetle from Skyward Sword. Aside from that, Fujibayashi spoke about having to rearrange the game when Switch came into the picture, and always wanting to make the next best Zelda title.

Read up on Fujibayashi’s comments below. You can check out Kotaku’s full article here.

Lobodestroyo was funded on Kickstarter way back on 2013. We’re still waiting on its release, but Wii U owners will be happy to hear that it’s still on track for the console.

Lefthanded Games wrote in a website update that Lobodestroyo will eventually hit Wii U so long as development on the platform remains open to indies. However, if the team is forced to migrate to Switch by the time work finishes, then that would be the next move. Kickstarter backers will also be able to change their platform if they aren’t satisfied with the final result.

Lefthanded Games’ full comments on the matter:

“With development running past the transition between Nintendo consoles we are going to need to modify our initial promise to backers. We absolutely intend to have Lobo playable on your Nintendo, whatever the console of the time might be. If Wii U development is still open to indies, then we will still push to Wii U. If we are forced to migrate to Switch by the time Lobo is in a releasable state, then we will release there. If those platforms are not what a backer originally intended/wanted we will endeavor to migrate their copy to a console they will be happy with.

It all comes down to the simple fact that despite being stuck in development limbo, we want to keep everyone happy. And to that effect, when it comes time to start sending out our game to the world, we will do whatever we need to so that our dedicated supporters can enjoy it how they would like.”


New concept art from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has emerged from the game’s guide. Characters, enemies, and more are shown. Just to be on the safe side, we’ve posted the gallery after the break.

Update: Zelda Dungeon is also putting together an interactive map. Take a look at it here.

Original: Hyrule Legends and Zelda Universe are working together with the Zelda community at large to create an interactive map for Breath of the Wild. The project is currently in its first iteration, yet already looks promising. Zelda players can find locations for side quests and points of interest among many other things. Additional content should be added over time.

3D models will be used for future versions. Moreover, the team is interested in transforming the map into something along the lines that you’d see on Google Street View.

If you have a place of interest to suggest for the map, you can do so on the Google form here. The map itself can be found here.

Source, Via

Nintendo has picked up “a resounding win” in a case against Jeramie King and his affiliated business, Go Cyber Shopping Ltd. – the seller of circumvention devices. A Canadian federal court ruled in favor of Nintendo of America, determining that the distribution of circumvention devices including “flashcarts,” “modchips” and “game copiers” (like Sky3DS, Gateway 3DS) is illegal.

Nintendo has been awarded $12.76 million (CAD) against Go Cyber Shopping, including $1 million in punitive damages. According to the big N, this marks the first time that Canadian Copyright Act’s Anti-Circumvention law has been put to the test. King will also be issuing an apology on his website for the damage that he caused to Nintendo as well as its developers and partners.

Devon Pritchard, Nintendo of America’s General Counsel and Senior Vice President of Business Affairs, said in a statement:

Are you a customer of the Nintendo UK store? If so, you may find an email containing a special code. The code provides early access to the Yo-kai Watch 2 demo along with a free 3DS theme.

Yo-kai Watch 2 made its way to North America at the end of September last year. In Europe, the RPG is scheduled for April 7.

Thanks to Louis J for the tip.

Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 players in the west won’t have to wait much longer for the game’s DLC. Inti Creates confirmed today that all of the new content is slated for Thursday in both North America and Europe.

Continue on below for all of the information about Azure Striker Gunvolt 2’s DLC. That includes prices for the individual content.

With Dragon Quest Heroes I+II having shipped in Japan, Digital Foundry is taking a look at the second game by comparing it to the PlayStation 4 and PS Vita versions.

Dragon Quest Heroes on Switch comes somewhat close to the PS4 edition. However, the Switch version struggles significantly on Nintendo’s platform. The frame rate takes a dip while you’re in battles, and the performance seems to be dragged down even further when playing in portable mode.

Digital Foundry’s full analysis is in the video below.

Chucklefish kicked off its series of development blogs with an introduction for Queen Mercia. Mercia is one of the game’s Commanders, who act as in-game avatars and units.

Here’s the full rundown:

“The Commanders are at the heart of Wargroove – a cast of exciting and energetic characters who each have their own distinct personalities and motivations. As well as acting as your avatars in-game, your Commanders will also be able to fight alongside your army as powerful units on the field. Be careful though, for if they fall, the battle is lost! Here’s a look at the first of our Commanders.

Queen Mercia is the young daughter of King Mercival II, the legendary and beloved ruler of the Cherrystone Kingdom. She is well-meaning, but inexperienced in the matters of diplomacy. Much more comfortable on the battlefield than on the throne, she hopes she can use her energetic and fearless spirit to rule the country she has now inherited, and gain the respect of those around her.

In battle, Mercia charges in with her mighty greatsword. It probably isn’t a great idea to underestimate her based on her friendly demeanour…”


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