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When Nintendo unveiled Arms during the Switch presentation, using motion controls was something that was highlighted quite a bit. That being said, they aren’t mandatory. Nintendo said during its Treehouse Live stream that you can use buttons if you prefer. This is important to point out, since some players would prefer to play Arms traditionally.

Thanks to lightdasher for the tip.

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One of the more impactful moments from the new Zelda: Breath of the Wild trailer was the brief scene showing Zelda crying. The video as a whole had a fair amount of voice acting on display.

Speaking of voice acting, each country will have dialogue spoken in its native language. That means there are versions of the trailer floating around with different voice actors.

If you’d like to listen to how Zelda’s crying compares in various countries, view the video below.


Before Switch was announced, UK retailer GameSeek took pre-orders for a guaranteed price of £198.50. We now know that the final price is sitting at around £279.99. Despite this, GameSeek says it will honor the pre-order price. Some lucky consumers will be saving quite a bit of pocket change.


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Splatoon 2’s debut trailer gave us a quick look (or rather tease) at Marie, one of the Squid Sisters. But what about Callie? Well, you’ll be happy to hear that she’s back as well.

During a stage show for Splatoon 2 at Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017, producer Hisashi Nogami confirmed that Callie is returning. One of the hosts mentioned seeing Marie in Splatoon 2’s video, yet Callie was nowhere to be seen. Nogami said in response that Callie is still around, and joked about how she was busy for her business so she couldn’t participate in filming.

Miitomo has been updated with more content. Users will find returning stages with more items.

“Mouthwatering style! Fast-Food Fashion” is the returning stage theme. They provide the following:

– Hamburger hat (set)
– Hamburget suit (set)
– Soft-drink straw (set)
– Soft-drink cup (set)
– French fries hood
– French fries suit
– Fast-food crew hat (set)
– Fast-food crew unifrom (set)
– French fry pin
– Pizza bikini bottom (set)
– Pizza bikini top (set)
– Pizza tee
– Hot dog pants


Nintendo hasn’t gone in-depth with Switch’s interface, but we have some what it looks like. One interesting thing about it is the inclusion of a symbol for airplane mode. That’s kicked off speculation about Switch potentially offering a data connection for play outside of the home, but a more likely explanation is that Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are disabled when it’s turned on.

Source, Via

FDG Entertainment previously teased a couple of titles for Switch, one being Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom (not to be confused with DotEmu’s Wonder Boy which is also on the way). The company has since confirmed the game for Nintendo’s new system. It’ll be coming out sometme this year.

FDG tweeted the news yesterday:


Raw Fury is pledging Switch support with at least two games. GoNNER and Kingdom are lined up for the console, with even more titles teased for the future.

Raw Fury describes GoNNER as “a tough as hell procedurally-generated 2D platformer with roguelike elements, following the largely misunderstood and altruistic Ikk on a journey to cheer up his only friend in this world—a giant landbound whale named Sally—by searching for just the right trinket in the deep and dark places nearby.”

Here’s a trailer:

And here’s an overview and trailer for Kingdom:

“In Kingdom, each coin spent can tip the balance between prosperity and decay. Attend to your domain, border to border, or venture into the wild to discover its wonders and its threats. Master the land, build your defenses, and when the darkness comes, stand with your people, crown on your head, until the very end.”

More details about Raw Fury’s Switch plans will be shared during GDC in March.


Super Mario Odyssey was announced at the Switch presentation this past week, but Nintendo didn’t really go in-depth with the game. At E3, Nintendo will certainly have more to say. Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime told IGN that the title will be present at the expo.

When asked how Nintendo planned the news at the Switch presentation while still holding some announcements for E3, Reggie told IGN that some consideration was given to letting attendees at press events try out Super Mario Odyssey. In the end though, a decision was made to wait until June.

Reggie said:

“The only decision that was made from an E3 consideration standpoint was ‘do we show Super Mario Odyssey from a hands-on perspective today versus E3?’ And we’re going to show it at E3. But at least from a Nintendo perspective, there’s no other consideration that is driven by E3.”

Super Mario Odyssey comes out towards the end of this year, so I think many expected that the game would be present at E3. It definitely would have been odd to omit it.


In a new press release, GameStop says that it has reserved all of its first allotment of Switch systems. Over 3,900 stores began taking pre-orders on Friday.

Bob Puzon, senior vice president of merchandising at GameStop, said in a statement:

“The fact that this initial allotment has been completely reserved in a matter of a few days demonstrates gamers desire for this fun and revolutionary gaming system. We’re working closely with Nintendo to get additional Nintendo Switch units, and will let our customers know when they become available. We encourage customers to visit and sign up to be get updates about the product and availability.”


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