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Swords & Soldiers HD will be hitting the Wii U eShop next week, Two Tribes has confirmed. The game will be available on May 22nd in both North America and Europe. Pricing is set at $2.99 / €2.99

You can count on the following features from Swords & Soldiers HD:

The classic Swords & Soldiers experience.
Playable with custom touch scheme on Gamepad.
Playable with Wii remote on TV.
Multiplayer mode combining GamePad and TV.
High res HD graphics compared to SD Wii release.


Recently, we learned that Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire will be featured in the next issue of CoroCoro. A tiny bit of information has now emerged on what the magazine intends to share.

When the next edition of CoroCoro lands, you can expect some sort of scoop about legendary Pokemon in the Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. I wonder what that might be about…


This month’s edition of Japanese magazine CoroCoro has revealed a new StreetPass game for 3DS owners. The newly announced  Pokémon themed game, The Band of Thieves & 1000 Pokémon, will be released on the eShop in Japan for a limited time starting from the 4th of June. The title is a free download is said to offer a special Pikachu for download, which will presumably tie in with the main series of games.

The aim of the game is to try and collect as many Pokémon through StreetPass as you can who can then go on to battle thieves. Battles will be decided by the number of Pokémon you have.

The Band of Thieves & 1000 Pokémon is being released to tie in with the release of the 17th Pokémon movie in Japan, and thus the game features the main characters from the film.


Pokemon Black 2 and White 2’s soundtrack found its way over to the iTunes store today. The soundtrack is huge, with 173 tracks and a run time of over 4 and a half hours and features all the music and sounds we’ve come to expect from all previous releases. It’s currently listed at US $9.99.

iTunes Link



Today’s screenshots have Charizard in the spotlight. Sakurai detailed a change to his Side+B move:

Here’s Charizard’s new special attack, Flare Blitz. It’s a very powerful attack–however, you’ll take recoil damage if you make contact. Pretty true to the original game, huh? Flare Blitz is Charizard’s side special move, and Rock Smash is the down special move.

We also got a look at Charizard’s Final Smash:

And here’s Mega Charizard X. This will appear as Charizard’s Final Smash.


We’ve brought in three more developers for the next entry in our new feature series, “Developer Musings”. This week, we have a few words from RCMADIAX, Eden Industries, and Frozenbyte as they share some thoughts about the stress of making games. Head past the break for their comments.

Unsure as to what Developer Musings is about? Check out our first entry here for an explanation.

Wanted to give this one last bump to the front page. For the most part, we’ve mostly got this shift covered, but we have one more potential slot open! Please get in touch if you have any interest.

Nintendo Everything is looking for a news writer to potentially add to the team. We’re seeking those who could cover the site at times between 12 AM ET and 8 AM ET.

That breaks down to…

11 PM CT – 7 AM CT
9 PM PT – 5 AM PT
5 AM – 1 PM in the UK
2 PM – 10 PM in Australia

We don’t need this entire eight-hour slot to be filled, but we’re looking for those who can help us keep Nintendo Everything up to date on a regular basis, Mondays through Fridays. Only have a couple of free hours available? We still want to hear from you if you’re interested! This is unfortunately a non-paying position, though we’d greatly appreciate your help.

Getting in touch is simple. You can reach out through our contact form or on Twitter. Hope to hear from some of you soon!

On another note, I wanted to quickly mention that Nintendo Everything may be a bit quieter than usual tomorrow. I’m almost always available to cover the site for numerous hours each day, but I won’t be around much of the early morning/mid afternoon due to a personal matter. You’ll probably be seeing a few posts from Austin, and I’ll be sure to cover anything that’s missed once I return!

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