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Nintendo just announced on their Japanese Twitter account that there will be a Fatal Frame presentation over on NicoNico this Thursday, July 17th at 1:30pm JST. Little is known about the presentation, aside from the fact that the upcoming Wii U game and media projects such as the movie will be featured! The stream will be available here on July 17 at 12:30 AM ET / July 16 at 9:30 PM PT


The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time may have originally launched close to 16 years ago, but new glitches are discovered every now and again. The latest, shown above, lets players shoot arrows without a bow. Check it out!


New Gameplay Trailer Reveals Exciting Details for
Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire

Mega Metagross, New Cosplay Pikachu, and Introduction of Hoenn Characters

BELLEVUE, WA—July 14, 2014—The Pokémon Company International and Nintendo today announced exciting new features and story elements of the Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire games, launching in the United States and Canada on November 21, 2014, for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems. A brand new gameplay trailer has also been released, giving fans a deeper look at what they will discover in their new adventure through the Hoenn region.

New Mega-Evolved Pokémon Mega Metagross!
A new Mega-Evolved Pokémon was revealed today—Mega Metagross. Metagross is the partner Pokémon of Pokémon League Champion Steven, whose deep bond helps it to Mega Evolve into Mega Metagross. Despite helping Trainers throughout their journey, Steven is the last obstacle for Trainers to overcome before becoming the Pokémon League Champion.

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