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3DS eShop

It’s not too often that we’re able to obtain sales of digital games. However, a recent issue of Famitsu shared sales of one prominent 3DS eShop title, Kirby Fighters Deluxe (otherwise known as Kirby Fighters Z).

Famitsu reveals that Kirby Fighters Deluxe has sold over 20,000 copies in Japan. The magazine doesn’t make this entirely clear, but it seems that 88 percent of the games sales came from the eShop directly. The other 12 percent account for download cards purchased at retailers.

With more and more Kickstarter campaigns popping up these days, it would be tough to cover them all without overloading the site. And thus, the Kickstarter roundup was born! We’ll be posting these each weekend (assuming I don’t forget… haha) so that we can bring the latest Kickstarter efforts to your attention.

Here’s today’s roundup:


Ray’s the Dead – already funded at $30,000, Wii U stretch goal at $65,000
Elysian Shadows – already funded at $150,000, Wii U stretch goal at $250,000
Adventures of Pip – $40,000 for funding, planned for Wii U
Stash: No Loot Left Behind – $50,000 for funding, planned for Wii U
Nefarious – $50,000 for funding, planned for Wii U
Super World Karts – $16,000 for funding, Wii U stretch goal at $32,000

Note that this is kind of a work-in-progress thing, so expect these types of posts to evolve over time!

Vblank Entertainment is planning an update for Retro City Rampage: DX that will take advantage of the system’s new buttons.

As mentioned on the game’s official Twitter account:

The New 3DS adds ZL and ZR buttons. Additionally, Nintendo is including a c-stick for secondary analog control.


Circle Entertainment provided a first look at Castle Conqueror: Dark Age on its Twitter account earlier today. Take a look below:


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