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Nintendo has officially revealed the Zelda 3DS XL bundle for North America. The package, which includes a specially-designed system and a digital copy of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, goes on sale on November 22. Pricing is set at $219.99.

Thankfully, it appears that the product will not be exclusive to GameStop. You should be able to find the bundle at most major retailers.

For the official announcement, head past the break.

As promised, Nintendo has aired a Nintendo Direct for Band Brothers P. Below are a collection of details shared during the presentation:

– Vocaloid Iwata is introducing us to the game. Moving over to Polygon Iwata.
– Control options include buttons and using the touchscreen as guitar or drums. Introducing us to various instruments.
– The game can be enjoyed over local and online play.
– Like previously mentioned, you can make a vocaloid singer. This will allow you to simulate singing and play another special touchscreen version.
– The SD card can save up to 3000 songs and you use tomatoes to download songs.
– Just like the previous game, there are radio studios which you can listen to with fav songs. Genres now as well.
– Up to January 31, it is possible to import songs from the Deluxe version. Does require some information though.
– Songs can be uploaded to YouTube, so that people with portable devices can look at them.
– Circling through the four featured artists. They seem excited about it.


This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

Rocksmith 2014 Edition (PS3/360) – 9/9/9/9
Metal Max 4 (3DS) – 9/9/9/8
NBA 2K14 (PS3/360) – 9/9/8/8
Akiba’s Trip 2 (PS3/PSV) – 9/8/8/8
Onechanbara Z: Kagura With NoNoNo (PS3) – 8/9/8/7
Wonderbook: Book of Spells (PS3) – 8/7/8/8
Exstetra (3DS) – 8/8/7/7
Glass Heart Princess: Platinum (PSP) – 8/8/8/6
Tamagotchi! Seishun no Dream School (3DS) – 8/7/8/6

More: , ,

Marvelous AQL has shared new details about Harvest Moon: Connect to a New Land. This time around, we learn more about the protagonists and potential life-partners included in the game. You can find an information roundup with new images below.

Protagonist (Male)

– Loves being outdoors
– Grew up playing by beaches and mountains
– Showed an interest in doing work as a rancher
– Moved into Oak Town
– First time taking care of crops and handling animals
– Curious young man who’s always eager to learn more

Protagonist (Female)

– New resident in Oak Town
– Interested in doing work as a rancher as well
– Kind-hearted
– Loves taking care of animals and raising crops
– No matter how difficult a task, the pure-hearted young girl will always do her best with the brightest of smiles


– One of the marriage candidates
– Weather forecaster
– Energetic personality
– Loves children
– Also works as a sing-along lady for a children’s program
– Cares for her younger sister and spends time with the elderly on her days off
– Popular woman in Oak Town
– Brings smiles wherever she goes


– Another marriage candidate
– Young man who works as a chef at the restaurant
– Busybody who acts upon his impulses
– Confident in his culinary skills
– Dashing good looks and easy-going personality
– Often surrounded by other ladies
– For this reason, he may come off as one who likes to fool around, but he’s actually quite the serious person, deep down

Another note: Consumers who pick up a first print copy of Harvest Moon: Connect to a New Land will receive a special Angora Rabbit charm strap.


A Nintendo Direct will air later today for Band Brothers P, Nintendo’s upcoming 3DS title currently exclusive to Japan. The video, which lasts ten minutes, is set to go live at 7 AM ET / 4 AM PT. We’ll have it here when it becomes available.


When Wii Sports Club launches next month, just two sports will be available: tennis and bowling. Golf, baseball, and boxing will be added at a later date. However, Nintendo did offer up some details on the three upcoming sports additions in the latest Iwata Asks, summarized as follows:


– Use the GamePad and the TV screen
– Place the GamePad on the floor first, as shown in Wii U’s concept video back at E3 2011
– Ball is shown on the GamePad screen by your feet
– Fairway is on the TV screen
– Play like real golf
– If you face the Wiimote Plus toward the GamePad by your feet, the head of the club appears on screen
– If you twist the Wiimote Plus controller, the club head also turns
– Hit in that position and you can hit a fade and so forth
– Coming “soon”


– Swing the Wiimote Plus like a bat
– Pitcher uses the GamePad
– Also similar to the Wii U concept video
– Look into the GamePad and choose a course and type of pitch


“For Boxing, we’re considering a lot with regard to network compatibility and so on. I think you’ll have to wait a little longer for that.”


Are you a Beyblade fan? Live in the New York City area? Then you may want to stop by Nintendo World’s launch event for Beyblade: Evolution. You can stop by between 3 PM and 6 PM for the festivities.


The Wii is on its way out, and the Wii U hasn’t performed up to Nintendo’s expectations. Given these two factors, MCV decided to ask Activision’s UK MD, Roy Stackhouse, about whether the publisher’s expectations for the game have been negatively impacted.

Not at all, Stackhouse said. In fact, he along with Activision as a whole “expect to sell a lot of Skylanders on the Nintendo platforms.” Stackhouse also said the company still considers Nintendo to be “a very integral part of our sales mix going forward.”

Stackhouse’s comments in full:

“Not at all. We still expect to sell a lot of Skylanders on the Nintendo platforms. Just because the sales may have softened doesn’t mean there isn’t a lot of consoles out there that children are still playing on. We still see Nintendo as a very integral part of our sales mix going forward.”


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