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Nintendo has been cranking out deals on its new UK web store on a regular basis. The latest has consumers pre-ordering the 3DS XL Luigi Special Edition with Luigi’s Mansion 2 for £199.99, resulting in £20 savings. You can check out the offer right here.

Not one, but two Batman: Arkham Origins games are available today. The console title has been receiving most of the attention, but Warner Bros. has also published a handheld companion title, Blackgate.

Here’s a roundup of reviews for the title thus far:

GamesRadar – 3.5/5
Game Informer – 6/10
Gamespot – 5/10
IGN – 7.4/10
Joystiq – 3.5 / 5
Kotaku – “Yes”
Polygon – 8 / 10

Pokemon X/Y update out now

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

A first patch for Pokemon X and Pokemon Y is now available.

The update addresses issues pertaining to saving in certain areas of Lumiose City, and those already affected by the bug will be able to continue playing. It also tackles errors which occasionally occur when using functions of the GTS.


You can download the Pokemon X/Y update on the eShop. Once complete, you should notice that your game displays “Ver 1.1” on the start screen.


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Exstetra opening movie

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

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