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Nintendo has announced that Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order will be receiving its latest update soon. It’ll address a trio of issues – notably not being able to unlock Deadpool’s costumes, having an insufficient amount of Ability Orbs, and not having access to “Retry” in Infinity Trials.

There’s no word yet on when exactly the patch we’ll be dropping. We’ll let you know when it’s officially live.


The turn-based space survival game Tharsis joins the Switch eShop today. For a look at some footage, check out the video below.

Catherine: Full Body

Atlus is preparing for this summer’s launch of Catherine: Full Body on Switch with a new series of Japanese videos. We have the full set below.

Mojang has announced a free map available to players on all platforms. The map will have both an Adventure and Survival mode compatibility. Players can download the Spring-themed new addition on the Minecraft marketplace. Take a look at an overview of the new map from the Minecraft website below:

Spring is here! And what better way to celebrate than to kick winter’s butt once and for all?

In this bundle from The Misfit Society and Pathway Studios, you enter a frozen world where winter has overstayed its welcome – and it shows. The crops are dead, the wells are frozen, and even once-gentle animals are turning hostile. But what is there to do? It’s not like you can control the weather… or can you? As the village scientist/wizard and all-around crackpot, you’ve invented the Spring-a-majig, a contraption that brings spring to any area you point it at. Use it to bring nature back to life!

Burnout Paradise Remastered

EA has officially started updating its websites with a June 2020 launch window for Burnout Paradise Remastered. The game will be available for pre-order on the Nintendo Switch eShop beginning on April 23rd, 2020. You can see our previous coverage of the title, including the overview and trailer here.

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News outlet Bloomberg has reported that the import of copies of Animal Crossing: New Horizons have now been banned in China. With the Coronavirus lockdown in full swing, the game has been a welcome way to socialize with other people amid the harsh rules on staying home and social distancing. While there isn’t an official guideline on why the sale of the game has been banned, it is likely due to the political statements circulating by players online.

Retailer Alibaba’s e-commerce platform Taobao have received instructions to stop the import of the game entirely, impacting not just the software, but all physical merchandise related to the franchise as well. In a statement on Twitter, avid democracy campaigner, Joshua Wong, said he was playing the game and that the movement had shifted online. Here’s another direct statement from Wong:

“Animal Crossing is a place without political censorship so it is a good place to continue our fight.”

While an official release of the game has not gone live in China, imported copies do have an option for Chinese text. If the game is to ever be localized, it’s incredibly likely that creative features like the pattern editor will be removed from the Chinese version. Political slogans aside, Chinese players seem to have really fallen for Animal Crossing’s easygoing social aspects, with Switch hardware sales seeming to be spurred on by the title.

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Here are the latest events for Fire Emblem Heroes:

  • Mjölnir’s Strike: Shield phase is now active. Weather the enemy’s onslaught for seven turns to protect the Kingdom of Askr. Achieve a high score and raise your Tier to earn rewards like Divine Codes, Midgard Gems, and Dragonflowers.
  • Resplendent Hero Azura: Lady of the Lake is now available to Feh Pass subscribers. In addition, Feh Pass Quests have been updated. These quests are available until Apr. 24, 11:59 PM PT. For further info, please see the Feh Pass website.
  • The next Resplendent Hero, Eliwood: Knight of Lycia, is scheduled to become available Apr. 25, 12:00 AM PT.
  • 0th Anniversary Grand Hero Battle Revivals are now live! There will be a series of battles every two days. Today, Delthea: Tatarrah’s Puppet is back, along with some limited-time quests! Active: Apr. 10, 12:00 AM PT – Apr. 11, 11:59 PM PT.
  • Heroes who have gained new skills are featured as part of a 5★ summoning focus! New weapon skills Inveterate Axe and Candied Dagger, and new weapon to refine Gleipnir are here! Your first summon in this event won’t cost any Orbs!

Dragalia Lost is getting a facility event revival, which will be available on Apr. 12, at 11pm PT.

This event, The Hunt for Harmony, brings bunny heroes as well as an egg hunt that will provide “one wish” for those who collect all the eggs. There will also be battles against bosses of the flame element and players will get an exclusive reward for defeating them.

The full details of this event are available in the source below.




Nippon Ichi Software has released a new commercial for Bokuhime Project, the adventure mystery game about a male protagonist infiltrating a girl’s school by cross-dressing. 

This trailer gives a better look at the “Girl’s Emotion Mode,” as well as a few more story segments that will be included in the game (all in Japanese language). The full video is available to view below.

Bokuhime Project will be released in Japan on April 23.

An update is bringing certain Pokemon to the Wild Area in Pokemon Sword/Shield in an Easter event. These Pokemon will appear in Max Raid Battles and at first glance they are Ditto, Pichu, Togepi, Riolu, and Munchlax (among other baby pokemon).

These Pokemon will be available until April 15th at 23:59 UTC and will come with increased candy and EV boosting items.

More information about this event and the Pokemon available in the Max Raid Battles are available in the source below.


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