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Swords & Soldiers appears on another platform with today’s release on Switch. Check out some footage in the video below.

Atelier Lulua: The Scion of Arland is featured in this week’s issue of Dengeki PlayStation, with the magazine covering two characters. Aotooria “Totori” Helmold and Mimi Houllier von Schwarzlang from Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland will both be appearing.

Dengeki PlayStation provides the following overviews:

Yesterday, SmuggleCraft arrived on Switch as a digital download via the eShop. Get a look at some footage below.

Game Informer senior editor Imran Khan has provided some additional details about the current state of Nintendo’s plans for Metroid.

Something that has been rumored in the past is Metroid Prime Trilogy for Switch, though it has yet to be announced. Khan says that it’s “been long done” and it was supposed to be announced last month. Why that didn’t happen is unclear.

Aside from Metroid Prime 4 and Metroid Prime Trilogy, there’s apparently “more Metroid stuff” in the works. Khan believes Metroid Prime 4’s delay “adjusts their schedule a bit,” which may or may not include Trilogy.

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Marble It Up! has received a substantial update. In addition to new content, the team has brought along additional features and more.

Here’s the full rundown of the update:

Metroid Prime 4

Nintendo dropped some massive news earlier today that many probably hadn’t seen coming. After it was initially announced at E3 2017, the work on Metroid Prime 4 is being scrapped. Nintendo is essentially starting from scratch, this time with original Metroid Prime developer Retro Studios.

It’s unlikely that we’ll hear about the issues surrounding development anytime soon in an official capacity, if at all. However, Game Informer senior editor Imran Khan claims to have some insight into the situation.

According to the latest issue of Dengeki PlayStation, Murder Detective Jack the Ripper is in development for Switch.

The magazine has the project down as an adventure game. It takes place in a fictional London, where a private detective takes on a case. Players will be able to experience different branches for detective and murderer routes.

During today’s live stream for Dragon Quest XI S, a bit of footage from the game was shown featuring various story scenes. You can see the relevant recording below.

As a side note, Dragon Quest XI S will have additional scenarios. Square Enix has yet to share any details on what’s new, however.

Heroes Trials

Heroes Trials is appearing on the Switch eShop as of today. Take a look at plenty of footage in the video below.

Tokyo School Life

Tokyo School Life has received a new video showcasing its opening movie. Get a look at the video below.

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