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DrinkBox surprised us this week by stealthily putting Severed on Switch. Fortunately, the process of porting the game over was very smooth.

DrinkBox co-founder and Severed producer Graham Smith told 4colorrebellion:

“Bringing the game to the Switch was an extremely smooth process, in fact, it was one of the easiest releases we’ve ever done as a studio. The only major difference between the Wii U and Switch versions of Severed is that now you can take it with you on the go!”

DrinkBox isn’t talking about future Switch games at this time. Smith did note though, “I can say that now that our game engine is running on the Switch, it should make it easier for us to bring games to the platform in the future.”


Nintendo posted a video yesterday showing a speedrun of the “Octozeppelin Invasion” level in Splatoon 2’s single-player campaign. The stage was completed in just over a minute using a variety of techniques. It’s pretty impressive, to say the least.

We also may as well mention here that Nintendo has issued a new Splatoon 2 wallpaper on its Japanese website. You can access it here.

Thanks to KobobKC for the tip.


A new video from Arekkz Gaming gives us a look at how Monster Hunter XX compares between the new Switch version and the 3DS original. Watch it below.

Earlier this week, Nintendo unveiled the special Samus Edition New 3DS XL. We now have the European packaging, attached above.

Here’s the North American equivalent for comparison:



Phantom Trigger has arrived on the Switch eShop in both North America and Europe. We’ve posted the launch trailer below.

Flip Wars is out now on the North American Switch eShop, and Nintendo published a launch trailer to celebrate. Watch it below.

The European Switch eShop added listing for several upcoming games today. Among these is Robonauts, a new action title from QubicGames.

The listing offers up the following overview:

The action combines familiar arcade shooting gameplay with a unique possibility to switch gravity. Colorful graphics appeal to both younger and adult players while first-class music by Simon Viklund makes the adventure feel even more epic.

Key Features
– great for the whole family
– solo and multiplayer
– 12 unique planetary systems
– large variety of weapons and enemies
– explosive art style and graphics
– epic music composed by Simon Viklund
– easy-to-learn yet challenging gameplay
– 2 difficulty settings: normal and hard

Below is a bit of gameplay shared earlier this year:

Robonauts will be released on Switch at some point in the future. The eShop lists the game as TBD.

Source: Switch eShop

Forever Entertainment is quickly stacking up a pile of games for Switch. The company is already bringing Violett, Prodigy, and Frederic: Resurrection of Music to the console. On top of that, a new listing on the European eShop reveals a fourth game.

Hollow, a game made by MMEU that has players explore a derelict mining facility in orbit around Jupiter, will be on Switch in the future. You’ll solve puzzles, participate in gun combat, and more.

We’ve posted a lengthy introduction for Hollow below, along with a trailer.

Etrian Odyssey V will launch in North America on October 17, Atlus announced today. The European release date will be shared at a later date.

As previously mentioned, those who pre-order Etrian Odyssey V or pick it up around launch day will receive the limited edition pictured above. It includes a copy of the game, a 24-page art book, 6-track music CD, and outer box.

GameXplain posted a video today showing lengthy gameplay from Atooi’s new platformer Chicken Wiggle. Check out the video below.

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