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A new update for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has just gone out. Nintendo is delivering version 1.3.1 to all players.

Nintendo says that today’s update addresses an issue with the game’s first round of DLC involving the defeat of certain enemies for Kilton. But more interestingly, a new News channel for Breath of the Wild will be going live for Switch on Wednesday. Players will be able to obtain items by launching Zelda from certain articles.

The official patch notes for version 1.3.1 are as follows:

Nintendo has offered up the first screenshots of Dragon Quest I, II, and III, which were announced for Japan this past weekend. Find the images below.


Nintendo has added a listing for Rayman Legends Definitive Edition on the eShop. Thanks to that, we have the game’s file size.

Rayman Legends Definitive Edition won’t be too big of a download at 2.9GB. Still, physical will be an option as well in stores. The game launches on September 12.

Thanks to Jes T for the tip.

Source: Switch eShop

Syberia’s eShop listing has been updated with a new Switch-specific trailer for the game. We’ve gone ahead and posted it below.

Axiom Verge was originally going to be on Switch sometime this month. However, that isn’t the case any longer.

With Axiom Verge being listed on retailer websites over the past few weeks, it seemed like the game had slipped a bit. Creator Tom Happ has now officially confirmed a release date of October 17. Since we only had a vague August release window previously, this “delay” isn’t entirely surprising.

Happ told one fan on Twitter today:


Last week, YouTuber KayaneTV uploaded a new interview with ARMS producer Kosuke Yabuki. Among the topics discussed were the game’s early success, a removed feature in which involving blow power (how strongly you punch), and his appreciation of Street Fighter – but Dhalsim won’t be added. Watch the full interview with Yabuki below.

The latest Legendary Pokemon is now live in Pokemon GO. Players should begin to see Zapdos appearing in Raid Battles.

Zapdos is is the final Legendary Bird Pokemon for Pokemon GO from the original trio. Articuno and Moltres were previously live in recent weeks.

You can nab Zapdos in Pokemon GO through August 14.


Lots of gameplay has surfaced for Sine Mora EX, arriving soon on Switch. View 27 minutes of footage in the video below.

The European eShop has updated with another new game slated for Switch. If a listing on the store is accurate, Sky Ride will be out on August 28.

Here’s a brief overview:

An action game in which a player will ride on a high speed bike and defeat a large group of approaching enemies.

The player will fly over the ground, in the sky and various friends and fight utilizing 4 weapons. We aim for the game which offers a sense of exhilaration through routing the enemies all at once in addition to a sense of exhilaration felt through flying around in the sky.

And a trailer:

Sky Ride is made by Mutan, who worked on Atelier Rorona Plus for 3DS. The studio has also been involved with the western localizations of other Atelier entries.

Source: Switch eShop

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Ubisoft has now come out with a new Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle trailer specifically focusing on Mario. Watch it below.

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