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Pokemon Presents February 2022

A new Pokemon Presents presentation will air on February 27, 2022, it’s been announced. The video should last about 14 minutes.

The presentation will air at the following times:

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Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have announced Caeda: Beloved Queen as the newest Legendary Hero to be joining Fire Emblem Heroes. She’ll be joining the game in just a few days.

Caeda: Beloved Queen, who originates from Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem, is voiced by Cherami Leigh and has art by ichikawa Halu. She comes with the skills Wing-Lifted Spear, Moonbow, Distant Storm, Faithful Loyalty and Atk/Def Rein 3.

Pokemon Unite is launching a Pokemon Day event on February 27, 2022. This event will see Hoopa added to the game, along with Special battles and challenges. 

There will be a new quick battle type called Full-fury battles. These battles offer shorter team set-up windows and have accelerated recovery times. Almost everything is sped up with easier to chain attacks, faster cooldowns, and increased Aeos energy for knocking Pokemon down. 

Full-fury battles will start on February 27 but will continue as limited time battles available on Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays (in correlation with specific events).

Check out a preview for these battles and for Hoopa in action in the short preview below.

Pokemon Masters EX has added new Pokemon to Eggs that trainers receive from Professor Bellis. The full list of hatchable Pokemon is now:

  • Dratini*
  • Vulpix*
  • Mankey*
  • Bulbasaur
  • Charmander
  • Squirtle
  • Cubone
  • Gastly
  • Igglybuff
  • Lapras
  • Kabuto
  • Lickitung
  • Kangaskhan
  • Tauros
  • Meowth
  • Bellsprout
  • Nidoran♀
  • Weedle
  • Geodude
  • Zubat
  • Rattata
  • Goldeen
  • Seel
  • Machop
  • Exeggcute
  • Growlithe
  • Magnemite
  • Voltorb

(a “*” indicates the possibility for a shiny Pokemon)

Also, Moltres has returned to the Legendary Arena until March 9, 2022. New event missions are included in this as well as exclusive medals. 

And, finally, a Blissful Bonanza is live until March 2, 2022, and it is running alongside a Training Area Reward Boost Rally & a Special Rally.

Mario Kart Tour is soon getting updated to version 2.12.0 and is making some changes to the level cap and bonus points received from items, the Mario Kart Tour Twitter account announced today. The level cap for all drivers, karts and gliders will increase to level 8, along with High-End drivers, karts and gliders receiving one extra favorite course. Certain items will also be providing more bonus points when used.

All these changes are going into effect at the start of the Tour happening on March 9, 2022, which is currently unknown. The current ongoing Tour is the new Sky Tour, which went live earlier today.

No specific date for the Mario Kart Tour version 2.12.0 update has been provided, but it is supposed to release “in the near future”. We’ll keep you updated when new information becomes available.

pokemon unite update february 24

A new update has been announced for Pokemon Unite, and it will be going live on February 24, 2022. A trio of issues will be addressed.

The official patch notes from The Pokemon Company are as follows:

As the first in a set of announcements for this week’s Pokemon Day, a whole bunch of events have gone live in Pokemon Masters EX, including:

  • Villain Event Spreading Shadows where you can boost Giovanni and Mewtwo is now live (February 20 – March 6)
  • Extreme Battle Event Giovanni’s Malice where players take on Giovanni (February 20 – March 6)
  • Double Feature Spotlight Scout with the ability to Scout 5-star sync pairs Erika & Leafeon and Misty & Vaporeon (February 20 – March 6)
  • Kanto-only 5-Star-Select Scout x11, letting players scout 11 sync pairs plus a 5-Star sync pair of their choice (February 20 – March 6)
  • 10-Pair Scout Ticket as a daily log-in bonus up to ten times, letting players team up with up to 100 sync pairs (February 20 – March 23)

Details on the various events can be found below:

A new summoning event has gone live in Fire Emblem Heroes that includes heroes from the Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade game. There are 4 new heroes that are available to be summoned as 5-star focus versions, including Idunn: Divine Demon, Hugh: Worldly Mage, Niime: Mountain Hermit, and Cath: Master Thief.

The first summon for this focus is free and summoning Idunn: Divine Demon for the first time will reward players with an Ascendant Floret. The event will run until March 8, 2022.

The next tour in Mario Kart Tour has been announced and it is the Sky Tour. This tour will feature new cosmetics such as Mario’s aviation gear and a biplane kart. Also, Sky Garden from Mario Kart on the GBA will be playable as a track.

The Sky Tour will start on February 22, 2022 at 10:00pm PT. 


A couple of summoning showcases and a story event have gone live in Dragalia Lost. To start, Part One of Chapter 24: Primal Strength has been added to the main campaign, which allows players to explore the fallen land of Lefkos. Players must investigate the graveyard of the Primordial Dragons and find the truth of Lefko’s destruction.

Also live now is the Platinum Showcase which guarantees a wind-attuned 5-star adventurer will appear. The included 5-star adventurers are Basileus and Nino, and it will run until February 27, 2022. This is the same time frame as the Wind Focus Summon Showcase which also features Basileus and Nino in addition to the dragon Midgardsormr Zero.

More info about these adventurers and their specific stats can be read below.

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