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Switch eShop

Picross S3

Jupiter is bringing Picross S3 to Switch, the company has announced. A worldwide release is planned for April 25.

The game will feature Color Picross from the Picross S series, of which 30 puzzles are included. Other modes include standard Picross and Mega Picross. In total, there are 300 puzzles spread out across these two modes. That’s not all, as Jupiter is also cramming in 150 Clip Picross piece puzzles.

Dark Devotion

The Arcade Crew and Hibernian Workshop have prepared a lengthy gameplay overview for Dark Devotion. Find the video below.

Tomorrow, the arcade shooter Hell is Other Demons is heading to the Switch eShop. Take a look at some footage in the video below.

The Padre

The retro stylized 3D horror adventure game The Padre launches on the Switch eShop tomorrow. For an early look, check out the footage below.

Fortnite has been updated once again. The latest version is 8.40, featuring a new limited time mode and plenty more.

Here are the full patch notes:

Samurai Shodown V Special is coming to Switch this week as the system’s latest NeoGeo game, Hamster has announced. A worldwide release is planned for April 18.

Here’s a brief overview of the game:

This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

Nintendo has updated the release schedule on its platforms for the week of April 25. Here’s a look at the upcoming digital download schedule:



PlayFusion has provided information on a major update in the works for Lightseekers. New Switch-specific functionality is planned along with more content.

First, the team is planning full Joy-Con support for the card game. Also planned is a new single-player mode, new cards, and more.

Tales of the Neon Sea

Tales of the Neon Sea is coming to Switch, developer Palm Pioneer and publisher Zodiac Interactive have confirmed. A release is planned for later this year.

Tales of the Neon Sea is a retro-styled adventure game in which “humans and robots contend with escalating tensions and mutual distrust.” Find an official overview plus a gameplay video below.

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