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Switch eShop

Stardew Valley launched on Switch one year ago. To celebrate, developer ConcernedApe shared a message with Switch owners through the system’s news feature.

Here’s what was written:

Dungeon Village

Kairosoft released a trailer for Dungeon Village, which is coming to Switch via the eShop next week. View the video below.

Trine 3 has never made it to a Nintendo platform. That could be changing soon though, as the game has been rated for Switch over in Germany.

Ratings aren’t always indicative of confirmed releases. However, they often point to future plans, so developer Frozenbyte likely has something planned.

Virtual Air Guitar Company announced today that it’s bringing Boom Ball: Boost Edition to Switch in just a few days. The game, which involves brick-smashing ping pong, is lined up for October 11.

The developer shares the following overview and trailer:

This week’s Wii U eShop charts are as follows:


Art of Balance, one of Shin’en’s past releases, is out now on Switch. Check out some footage in the video below.

Back in 2015, Descendent Studios funded the 3D first-person shooter Descent: Underground on Kickstarter. It was imagined as a prequel to the 1994 game Descent. It was released in Steam Early Access last year, but was eventually pulled after publisher Little Orbit became involved so that a single-player campaign could be added with improvements across the board.

Descent: Underground, now simply known as Descent, is back in the news with its latest announcement. The project is essentially complete and has been confirmed for Switch. A release is planned both physically and digitally for early 2019.

Here’s a trailer:

Source: Little Orbit PR

Earlier today, Zerodiv brought Hot Gimmick Cosplay-jong to Switch on the North American eShop. Have a look at some footage below.

Just like in Japan, Switch is getting three games from Kairosoft in the west next week. Game Dev Story, Hot Springs Story, and Dungeon Village are lined up for October 11. All three have now received listings on the North American and European eShops.

Here’s an overview of each game:

Runner Duck and Curve Digital have announced new USAAF DLC for Bomber Crew. On Switch, it’ll be out sometime in 2019.

USAAF DLC features a bunch of content, including a new campaign and new missions. Continue on below for a few additional details and a trailer.

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