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Switch eShop

Another Neo Geo game is joining the Arcade Archives series tomorrow. In Europe and Japan at least, The King of Fighters ’94 will be available.

Hamster confirms the news for Japan on its Twitter page. As for Europe, we’re able to see the game’s listing on the eShop. The status for North America is unclear, but The King of Fighters ’94 should be out soon regardless.

Here’s a video:

Prismatic Games is sticking to its original plans about bringing Hex Heroes to Wii U. However, it sounds like it’s only a matter of time until it makes an appearance on Switch.

In a Kickstarter update, Prismatic Games spoke about attempting to obtain a dev kit from Nintendo, but hasn’t been successful so far. It’s somewhat difficult for smaller indies to obtain the hardware, and the big N is prioritizing new games over ports currently.

Prismatic further added on Kickstarter:

“Think of HH on Wii U like a work in progress as we implement polish and balancing while we prepare Hex Heroes for Switch. With the various classes, monsters, and ways to play, there’s a considerable amount to fine tune. We also want to simultaneously launch HH on Steam through their Early Access program. This would further enforce the idea that the game is being tweaked and balanced and updated frequently. (And to our beta backers, we’ll still get a build out to you before we release on Wii U and Steam)

This method of launch will ensure the Switch will see the most polished version with all past updates and even some exclusive content to make it more than just a direct port! We’ve heard your concerns about how some of you have since sold/traded in your Wii U’s and we’re looking into an upgrade program – either allowing users to directly change their Wii U backer key to a Switch one, or by offering a discount for the Switch version if the Wii U one is owned. That decision rests with Nintendo.”


Several Neo Geo games from the Arcade Archives are already available on the Switch eShop. Early on though, players were noticing issues pertaining to brightness and sound.

Developer Hamster has been quick to address the problems. We’re hearing that updates are now out for the various games. They should be updated to version 1.0.1.


Nintendo has uploaded a series of promo videos for Snipperclips on its Japanese YouTube page. Watch them all below.

Tomorrow Corporation originally intended to have World of Goo, Little Inferno, and Human Resource Machine on the Switch eShop for the system’s launch. That didn’t happen in the end, but we didn’t have to wait too long for their release.

Tomorrow Corporation has now confirmed that World of Goo, Little Inferno, and Human Resource Machine will all be out on Thursday. In North America, that is. No date yet for Europe, but there should be news soon. And since the eShop is technically region free as long as you have a Nintendo Account with the correct region, technically anyone can grab these games in a couple of days.


17 minutes of footage has arrived showing Battle Princess Madelyn in its pre-alpha form. Check out the gameplay below.

This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

Let It Die – Uncle Prime Edition (PS4) – 9/9/9/9
Monster Hunter XX (3DS) – 9/9/9/8
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (PS4/XBO) – 8/9/9/9
Snipperclips (NSW) – 8/8/9/8
Farming Simulator 17 (PS4) – 7/8/8/9
WRC 6 (PS4) – 8/7/7/9
Side Kicks! (PSV) – 8/8/8/7
Hatsuyuki Sakura (PSV) – 7/8/8/7
1000m Zombie Escape (3DS) – 7/8/7/7
Koneko no Ie 2 (3DS) – 7/8/7/6
Unearthing Mars (PS4) – 6/7/7/8

Kyle Gabler, who has worked on World of Goo, Little Inferno, and Human Resource Machine, has released trailers for all three games on his YouTube page, in anticipation of their Switch releases. You can watch them each down below:

Update: Added new footage of a medium difficulty stage.

Nintendo World Report has shared a few more minutes of Snake Pass footage, specifically from the Switch version. Take a look at gameplay from an easy difficulty stage below.

New footage from the Switch version of Graceful Explosion Machine is now available to watch. You can check it out below.

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