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New videos are beginning to appear containing footage of Bayonetta 1 and 2 on Switch. A mix of direct-feed and off-screen gameplay can be found below.

Koei Tecmo has published a new trailer for Attack on Titan 2 called “Battle”. As the name implies, this video is all about fighting Titans – using “Buddy Actions” to work together with your squad, capturing Titans, transforming into a Titan yourself and more:

A new trailer for Your Four Knight Princesses Training Story has gone live featuring Veronica. You can check out the video below.

The newest update for ARMS went live earlier today, adding in some new features such as a a gallery. Get a closer look at the update in the video below.


A new ARMS Party Crash is set to take place next week. The theme is “Innovative Metal”, and will have Springtron and Kid Cobra going head to head.

This new ARMS Party Crash starts on February 9. It’ll last until February 12.



Arowana Mall, the latest stage for Splatoon 2, will be added to the game tomorrow. Nintendo has announced that the map will be going live at the following times:

– 6 PM PT (February 1)
– 9 PM ET (February 1)
– 2 AM in the UK (February 2)
– 3 AM in Europe (February 2)

Arowana Mall originally appeared in the first Splatoon. You can get a look at how it looks in the sequel via the screenshots below.


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GameXplain held a live stream earlier today to show off Dragon Quest Builders on Switch. Take a look at an hour of footage from the final game below.

A new update has gone live for Zelda: Breath of the Wild. It primarily acts as a way of adding in support for more languages, though Nintendo says fixes have also been implemented.

The full patch notes are as follows:

  • You can now select Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified), or Korean in the language settings menu on the Switch console to display text in the selected language.
    • Voice Language selection is not supported for the above languages. If you choose “Match System Settings” in Options, voice data will be set to Japanese.
  • Various fixes to improve gameplay.

Thanks to Cameron and Reddit for the tip.


This information comes from Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima…

New software titles will be released for Nintendo Switch to satisfy everyone, from our game fans to family gamers.

As shown, from February onward we will be releasing a wide variety of new software titles one after the next.

More than 300 software titles are already available for Nintendo Switch from other software publishers. Early participation of many publishers has led to the release of software titles in a wide variety of genres.

In addition to the packaged titles available in stores, many unique download-only titles have been released in Nintendo eShop, providing consumers with an even wider selection of software titles.

We believe that the availability of software titles will continue to accelerate as a result of the widespread acceptance of Nintendo Switch by other software publishers. In addition to the software titles you see here, a string of titles in a wide variety of genres will be released in the future.


This information comes from Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima…

Next let’s talk about Nintendo Switch Online, the paid subscription service that expands the online functionality of the Nintendo Switch. We reported previously that the service would launch in 2018, and now the official start time has been set to September 2018. Work is progressing on ways to further heighten the gaming experience for consumers. Details will be made available as they are finalized.


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